Pictures from the Edge
When my nephew was young, Mathew would love these type of trucks. The size and noise I reckon…
Putting down some new asphalt…
I love this home. I find the architecture beautiful and appealing.
Does anyone know what flower this is??
Me wearing a mask made by a friend of Kimmy R.
My sister Julz with our dog Edward von Schnoodlehauser.
My brother Ryan and our other dog Oliver.
A garden bird bath
This house has wayy too many windows…. I always wonder why the hell they would build a home with that many windows… the premiums must be horrid.
A weeping pine.
Alvin the chipmunk
Julz with her new ‘do.
Me yesterday
Older photos
A fall tree..
More fall foliage
A red tree last fall
Bees again..
More as I post them. I have an insta here.
These are great pictures Sammy. I agree with you about the house with the windows. I don’t like how they did the windows.
@heffay IKR?
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These are great photos! Loved them!
When my boys were little they loved to play with any type of truck, but construction trucks seem to be their favorites. I spent many days outside playing in the dirt with them.
I love the yellow flowers in the grass and the changing leaves on the trees. I grew up in the New England states, Massachusetts and Maine. I loved our home in Maine in the pine woods. I had a horse and often rode along old logging trails, tall pines and their fragrance everywhere. Good memories.
Thanks for posting these. I enjoyed connecting faces with the names. Take care.
@adrift Yes… boys and their machines… they never grow out of that do they?
Do you buy any chance know what the white flowers are? Really? Maine is gorgeous I hear.
You are welcome! 
@littleavocado Yes, I loved living in Maine. Had to come to Arizona for my Mom’s health (dry heat), but I’ll always have a soft spot for Maine in my heart.
No, I don’t know the name of the white flowers, but they are beautiful!
Take care.
@adrift AZ is good for asthmatic.
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I actually like the house with all the windows
@kaliko Eh.. to each their own.
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Boys and their toys….I wish I had trucks like that…..Does Mathew work in the construction sector?
@jaythesmartone Nooo…. Mat is between jobs sadly.
Oh, They are hiring here?
@jaythesmartone Cool.
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I have the same tree with the flowers in my front yard. It hasn’t blossomed yet. Makes a huge mess when they fall off
@tumbleweed85 What is it? Magnolia?
@littleavocado I am not sure. I have wondered myself.
@tumbleweed85 Yeah… magnolia trees make a mess also.
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the house with all the windows looks like the bottom floor windows are an enclosed old front porch made into a room
@kaliko IDK could be.
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I like the house with all the windows though it has to be rough keeping them all clean.
@mamaqueenie518 I agree.
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Nice photodls!
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