My Heart will Go On is corny…
I love Celine Dion but the Titanic song is so bloody corny. I prefer Water from the Moon. I had her debut English album way back in highschool. I listened to it before going. And yes I did cry buckets when Jack died. DX
I hear that by the May 24th long weekend the quarantine will be lifted…. but I ain’t holding my breath because Jodie (@jaythesmartone) said they might cancel out Canada Day. That don’t matter bc I am going to have Papa John’s that day, and beef stroganoff my birthday dinner bc that is my favorite dish they serve here. SO FUCK YOU CORONAVIRUS!!! LMAO!!!!!!
Anyways, how’s my hens? What are you doing?
I never heard May 24th? Who said that? That could be when the boarders open though?
@jaythesmartone My friend Michelle said that.
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I believe I am having Papa John’s for dinner tonight.
@heffay *joins you* LMAO!!!
@littleavocado Yeah! Come on over!
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may 24th probably close to being right… you were a couple weeks behind USA
@kaliko Kat are things open where you are??
@littleavocado no probably not for a few more weeks
@kaliko Things are starting to over here…
@littleavocado places are opening up where you are? I know a couple states here are opening up too
@kaliko @jaythesmartone, hey Jodie, what about BC?
Well they are still trying to figure out what is going to open so it’s still a wait and see. but the parks might open sooner. Oh and I just heard that students who made less then 5000.00 last year will get something like 12000.00 till like August so that is pretty cool.
@jaythesmartone It is.
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Hope you manage to enjoy your birthday. There are states that are reopening in the United States. NY is supposed to have limited, regional reopening on Friday.
@justamillennial Birthday is July 2.
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