Happy Easter and a continuing Pesach Sameach!!
So, I write in light pink. So how are my hens today on this rather gloomy (weather wise) Easter? Today we are going to Zoom our local church and the ladies who want to attend Easter Sunday service can.
After that, lunch and if @heffay is on, we will chat, but if not, then Skyrim or the Sims until dinner. I have this new spinning thing that lilsimsie made up and I will use a random number gen for that too. Should be interesting!
Tonight we have the falafel pitas. The ones up there look delish! My packages come Wednesday and Thursday. I am getting a pink 3DS (just the small one) and Lets Go Eevee and Sw/Sh and a Amazon Fire tab.
My back is aching from sleeping in a fetal position for about 3 hrs.
I love Ellie Goulding’s music.
Happy Easter
@thespiritwithinme You too.
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Happy Easter!
@queenofegypt You too
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Have a nice Easter
@kaliko I’m Jewish so I celebrate Passover. But you have a good Easter Kat.
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chag sameach!!!!!!
@jaythesmartone Merci!
don’t you mean….
@jaythesmartone תודה!
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Oooh those will be exciting packages to get
@heffay I agree <3
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I like how your local church decided to stream Easter Sunday mass. There were some parishes that held Easter Sunday mass live for Easter.
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