Good morning…

Anyways, I’ve been awake for about an hour… Bola-bat’s radio and my bladder woke me up and I never got back to sleep. I keep hearing an im dinging noise, but I’m sure it’s just the radio. 

So, the CHO program has been pushed back due to COVID-19… that is good… and bad… I think this virus will stick around for a long while… hopefully my birthday won’t be ruined…. fuck.

I’m going back to bed.


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April 22, 2020

I heard Canada day is cancelled but they might do it on line.

Hope you got back to sleep…enjoy your day.

April 22, 2020

@jaythesmartone We are having Papa John’s Canada Day so.. nyahhhhhh…. stupid COVID. 😀

April 22, 2020

Hope you’ve had a good day!

April 22, 2020

@queenofegypt You too.

April 22, 2020

When is your birthday?

April 23, 2020

@heffay July 2 😀

April 23, 2020

@littleavocado It is now saved in my phone

April 22, 2020

hope you still have a good birthday… to me it is just another day

April 23, 2020

@kaliko TY dear.

May 12, 2020

I would love COVID-19 to just be gone and return to a sense of normalcy.

May 26, 2020

@justamillennial Define normal my dear. :/

February 16, 2021