Good morning…

I gotta get some water… brb. I have good news. No bad… just good! Um, the seller of the Samsung tablet (I gave my iPad to my sister as she wanted it instead of the other one) said he could make it up here to Newmarket later this week so FUCKING HELL YES!!! Oh yeah, and we are having Papa John’s for supper tonight. (Bees, Julz and I) so I cannot wait for that. That’ll be good. 🙂

How are we all this morning? It’s Saturday, and that means…. absolutely nothing these days, maybe computer maintenance, but that’s it. I’m very hungry. That’s all I know. I might challenge Julz to a game of Monopoly on the Switch. IDK. 

I have some qs for y’all.

  1. Why is coffee cake called that when there ain’t no coffee in it?
  2. Which is better (not for you, just tastes better) unsalted or salted butter? (no margarine either!)
  3. What is your best computer maintenance schedule? Like what do you do?
  4. Am I losing it? Are you? Do you think we are closer to “flattening the curve”?
  5. What do you think of those pens with 4 colored ink thingies?

That’s it that’s all.



Oops. I forgot.. shit. Today is actually …

Happy Caturday Enjoy Your #Caturday! | Caturday Meme on ME.ME

And… national Animal Crackers day AND… national auctioneers day.. ever been to an auction? I have… boy do they ever talk fast….

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April 18, 2020

Happy Saturday.  Did you know in the Cyrillic alphabet C is pronounced S?  Example CTOP spells STOP in Russian. You can see it in octagonal red signs in pictures of the the old Berlin Wall crossings to the West. Or East. So, I guess Saturday would be spelled Caturday.

April 18, 2020

@sleepygene I didn’t know that Gene. 😊

April 18, 2020

The answer about the coffee cake

Salted butter is way better and probably not as healthy for you.

Hubby does most of my computer maintenance and crap….

I lost it a long time ago…i am surprised you haven’t noticed?

And we are flattening the curve and also getting a control of this virus.

I really like the red colored ink one…the pen it’s self is really cool…well was when it first came out…(thank-you Bic)

April 18, 2020

@jaythesmartone That makes a lot of sense. 🙂 I like the green ink. 😛 I’m a rebel. 😀 Yay for flattening the curve!!

April 18, 2020

it is called that because people drink coffee while eating it or they dunk it in the coffee
I use unsalted butter I can tell no difference but it is better for you
I have a Mac
yes we are close
I used to love those pens as a kid…I am not a fan as an adult

April 18, 2020

@kaliko Macs are seriously cool. 😀

April 18, 2020

Be careful with the person coming there with the tablet. I’m confused why they didn’t just ship it. Maybe I’m not understanding the situation very well. It just seems weird that they could drive there to deliver it in person but not mail it. Am I missing something? I’m sorry if I am.

I don’t have a computer maintenance schedule. I’m a rebel.

And I’m not sure what pen you are thinking of with the 4 ink things

April 18, 2020

@heffay I will be careful. ❤ It’s not the Fire tablet but a Samsung. I have an OCD like attitude when it comes to computer maintenance.. you know the one with the four ink choices, black blue red and green??

April 18, 2020

@littleavocado I don’t know it

April 18, 2020

Yay for getting the Samsung tablet!

April 22, 2020

I have no idea what a “computer maintenance schedule” is.
Pfff.. “Flattering the curve”, is that still a thing?
Those pens are usually too thick. Cool, but just too clunky.


April 22, 2020

@anonypus I love them pens. 🙂 A computer maintenance is like defragging and shit.