Going to bed soon… I need the zzz’s
The zombification factor was almost 100%.. about maybe 95%? I burnt the roof of my mouth on today’s lunch — a pasta bake, and it hurts like hell. Plus Aunt Flo is here. Thankfully there is chocolate non? I had veggie lasagna and caesar salad for dinner, and then, coffee and a dipped caramel granola bar for snack… and water…
I want to relax now…
Better get you some chocolate
@heffay Oh yes.
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Is your mouth ok?????
@caterpillardreams It is now. But yesterday? Oy…
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Hope ur mouth feels better I hate when I do that
@kaliko Yes ty
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I am so grateful my birth control implant stopped my periods. It is such an unnecessary nuisance when you know you don’t want (anymore) kids. I do miss the excuse for eating mountains of salty French fries with Cadbury chocolate chasers, though. I suppose it wasn’t all bad, having claret in the cellar.
@pulchritude OMG. The cravings yasss…
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I had my period last week too. It sucks. At least you got some chocolate.
@justamillennial o/
Oops o /
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