Gentle people? Not anymore.. more like crazy people.. LOL

I just heard Scott McKenzie’s ‘San Francisco’ on Bola-bat’s radio… and I thought, times are changing fast. Gone are the happy easy going days, here comes the blasted toilet paper hoarders, and what have you… but are they really gone? Maybe it’s just me… the product of two hippie love children. I’m going to be 46 this July. 2024 is the big 5-0. I’m not worried… just amused. I am easily amused… even by my own mortality. Death is not funny, but again. IDGAF.
I have been out for exercise this past hour. It was snowing out but we went anyhow. It stopped about 15 min in our walk (I went with my sisters) Still waiting for Amazon. Prolly come tomorrow. I am psyched. An Amazon Fire tablet, a pink 3DS, and 3 games for the Switch. All thanks to @babybees!
What do you think? Are we in a different era than the 60’s? Not like really, bc that is a fact, but metaphorically. Do you think after the corona virus thing goes, we can start over? Or is this the new normal???
And why the fuck do I think that it is Friday? The days are all blurred damnit!
I talk too much. Typical Gemini trait.
I think we just got in circles. Maybe making a little progress, maybe having a little movement. People talk about how this is going to change everything. I just keep thinking of all the mass shootings and how little changed after. We get upset and then we forget and nothing happens.
I’m a downer.
@heffay History repeats itself non Jeff?
@littleavocado It does. We have to learn from it to change the cycle.
@heffay Aye so my new friend.
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days are always blurred for people who do not have employment. I know I half way keep track of days via my husband’s work schedule lol
@kaliko Very good Kat
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I think everyday should start at noon and be a three day week…Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So how should we ban all the rest of the days and times and then we won’t be wondering what day it is or what time it is?
@jaythesmartone The eternal weekend! Here here! I second that.
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I have to remind myself every morning as to what day it is. You are right they are blurring together. Snowing? It was around 80 today here. Spring is here. The big 50 was nothing much for me. Hugs and be safe
@irishbudgie1954 Yes, they blur together like postcards sticking together… yepp.. snow! I think I want to go all out on my 50th. I never did on my 40th or 30th.
@littleavocado then go for it. I made a big deal of 30
@irishbudgie1954 Non alcoholic beer and god knows whatelse all around!!
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Hope you got your Amazon package.
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