Donovan blaring on the radio…

“Mellow Yellow”. If I am not mistaken this was a butter commercial in the 80’s? Yes. Yepp. I am definitely an eighties kid. I do recognise that this is a 60’s song but I remember it more as a jingle. Sad eh?

Can I ask you females a q? Does eating sweets and carbs during your period somehow somewhat relieve the symptoms (the cramps mainly?) I do.

I hear that the COVID-19 shit might be over soon… I hope so… but I have my doubts. I am a doubting Thomas.

So, what are my hens up today?


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April 20, 2020

I think Canada will have control over this virus a lot sooner then the Americans.  I just hope our boarders won’t be open till we do have control.

April 20, 2020

@jaythesmartone Amen. I doubt that Justin will allow it.

April 20, 2020

I mean, I do eat a ton of sweets when periody. But it doesnt usually help the cramps or anything. It keeps me from murdering my gf and 2 female roomies when we’re all on our periods together, ugh.

April 20, 2020

@sparklethewingbug I find I eat a lot of junk during Hell week. 😮 Ugh.

April 20, 2020

I don’t know if it relieves the symptoms, but I do know that I crave sweets and carbs when on my period.

April 20, 2020

@queenofegypt It’s bloody annoying innit?

May 12, 2020

I would love it if COVID-19 was gone.