Busy day today..

Well the morning anyways… I have got that Zoom meeting, then, my bath, then lunch… then…? IDK. Oh, I don’t think I will get my computer after all… my sister wants me to keep the Toshiba… which is fine. I think I’ll download the Imperial March from Star Wars and use it for my notification on my tab. I’m going to do that very soon..
I’m out here in the quiet room. Julz is dead asleep on the sofa settee. Bees is eating her peanut butter slathered toast. And I am typing this up.
I think I will just relax today after the business of the morning is done.
Well.. off to d/l that ringtone!
I am working from home and hopefully my day will be peaceful and quiet. I do have a letter of permission to write, but I think I can put off the final draft until next week.
Have a wonderful day!
@unscathedcorpse very cool.
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Question? When will Bees and Julz be writing or typing in their diaries? I really want to read what they have to say?
Hope you have fun with that Zoom meeting and maybe a bubble bath?
@jaythesmartone I had a great time in therapy.
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Sorry to hear you won’t be getting a new computer.
@justamillennial that’s ok
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There’s an Imperial March (or any Star Wars theme?) tab notification that can be downloaded?? That’s the thing I need that I didn’t know I needed until just now!
@drbajahi search Google for imperial march ringtone.
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