A cute little ditty

As you all know or should know, I love punk music. New, old, in the middle, whatever… but sometimes a tune will tickle my fancy that is either old as hell, or weird as shit. This tune is … well.. a bit of the two.. I heard it while doing the dishes, bc the staff has the radios tuned to the Jewel, which is… to put it in my directness … an old fart radio station. @jaythesmartone and @kaliko and whomever, y’all aren’t old farts.. LOL My friend Barbara who always listened to that crap was an old fart. You can tell that I love punk music a lot eh? Always pushing the envelope… well.. as you know I’m a huge Beatles fan. So… yeah.

I was in and out of consciousness today… I’d say the zombification factor was at… um 75% today… but the weird thing is, I feel fine now. I’m naturally sleepy at night usually … but tonight I feel GOOD like James Brown used to say…

OK… I will stfu now.. bc I have a tendancy to run my mouth…

Sam (oh my insta is here too… I need to update my profile so I will do that..)






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May 13, 2020

Is there a new fart station? Zombie Sammy? Are you pretending to be a character from the Sims? There are zombies on there, right?

May 14, 2020

@heffay LOL Jeffy 🤣💕 That would be funny!! There are zombies on the Sims yes….

May 13, 2020

Old fart?  I think I prefer the more distinguished music….  And just for the record you are an old fart too…You like the Beatles don’t you?

May 14, 2020

@jaythesmartone Yes. I guess so. Didn’t mean to offend. LOL The Beatles are … just the best. They are not old fart music! LOL

May 13, 2020

I listened and the uppity melody reminded me of shaddup’a you face.

May 14, 2020

@elcreature ? I told you. The Jewel is a uppity station. LOL

May 26, 2020

Sorry that you have to listen to an oldies station that is definitely not your jam. Hopefully they’ll turn on something that you like.

May 27, 2020

@justamillennial I like classic punk and ain’t no one who likes that here ha ha..