A continuation of the pregnancy dream…

This time I gave birth to a baby girl, and I went looking for the father. I had a paternity test done and I went to a Tim’s to relax, but I woke up before I got a response… I had a feeling it was either Justin C or Justin W. She was a redhead and Justin W is a redhead too… but then again, so am I… so that don’t mean diddly squat.. He actually mentioned that in the dream too! Justin C was being very surly about giving his DNA… but he did it.

I have no idea why the hell I am having these weird dreams.

Lizzie comes to bathe me today which is good. My wrist seems to act up when it rains.. which it is today… I hope Jimmy comes with my lappy soon.



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April 28, 2020

do you have children? If not it might be a inner wish to have one? I know my friends that did not have kids now wish they would have but it is too late for them.

April 28, 2020

@kaliko No kids. I do want some. I just need to adopt bc I am 45. LOL

April 28, 2020

Do you look up your dreams and what they might mean?

April 28, 2020

@jaythesmartone No.. my dreams are too convoluted.

April 28, 2020

At least your dream kids are redheads! Gotta watch out for those Justins.

April 28, 2020

@heffay Justin W is my gaming buddy. IDK why him though.. LOL

May 12, 2020

Interesting dream.