It is time

My love has quietly waited as my true self has struggled to break the surface. He has endured so much just to have a smile, a laugh, a kiss, sexy time, any and all of it really. He is so fucking in love it is sometimes overwhelming and frightening. But what a humbling thing to have that devoted gaze cast in your direction. Aren’t we lucky if we find a person so undeniably devoted to us that we never have to worry. He has begging me to stop worrying. He tells me it’s time.

I think he’s right.

I have  love. Real true love. Not the teen drama, Hallmark channel love. The real stuff. The stuff where you are petty and prideful but in the end it hurts you so much to hurt them that you can’t stand it. It’s becoming a better version of yourself because they deserve it and you desperately want to be that for them, for you. It is a love that would kill weaker souls.

But not us.

You can see our love outlined in the universe. In the dancing auroras or the merging of two black holes. In the confluence and cosmos. We were meant to find each other and flow forward through time. There was no other option. It has always been this. Just roaming the universe hand in hand, destroying and creating.

So I get to sit forever with my love over coffee and muse about life. His mind is glorious. He has so many curiosities and thoughts that we could be talking about space travel one minute and planning the perfect potage garden the next. He is immacualately, perfectly weird and all mine. He is my heart and he has patiently been waiting for me to fully open mine.

I am yours love. It is time.


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