In bloom

There he goes, down the lawn on his John Deere tractor.  Gleefully soaking up the sunshine and belting out ballads as he manicures the lawn. He is equal parts ridiculous and sublime. He is mine.
I saunter down the yard sometimes to hand him an ice cold drink and just to see him smile.
I would do just about anything to see that smile. It lights up my world.
I begin weeding the yard, my personal fave. It is both meditation and an outlet for pent up frustrations. I get lost in the music and the green. My movements momentarily in sync with nature’s symphony.
Soon he comes to say hello, eyes brilliant, sparkling sea glass. He smells divine. Of dirt and sweat and sunshine. Of wood musk and untold mysteries whispered in the dark. He sits next to me as we enjoy a beer and a snack in the grass. He is Cernunnos bewitching my fecundity. We lay amidst dandelions and gentle breezes. The monarchs dance to the cadence of our laughter.  Our matching overalls testament to our devotion in denim.

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