“Yell at it.” “BRRREEEEAAK!!!”

Everything is still going smoothly, although I have a ton of school work to do this semester.  I think the semester is now shorter, and these particular professors I have are increasing the amount of work to be done for their classes.  I like it, though, because it keeps me focused, which is something I need.  I’m one of those people who, if I’m not suitably occupied, my mind can slip into dark places.  I love having some place that I have to go at a certain time, and I feel very awkward on those days that I have nothing planned, unless I’m just in the mood to relax.

Yes, I know parenting isn’t easy, but I’ve observed parents who literally let their kids tell them what to do, and I’m not cool with that.  No, one person can never truly control another, and maybe "control" wasn’t the best word, but a parent MUST show firmness from the beginning, setting limits and boundaries so that the child won’t pitch a fit out in public if you tell him "No".  (I know a kid who raises holy hell if his mother asks him to do the simplest thing, like put shoes on, and she just lets him get away with it.  She also lets him run around like a maniac and allows him to drink about four or five Cokes a day at the age of three.)  But a dominant philosophy in parenting (or life, really) today in the U.S. seems to be "as long as the kid feels good about himself, that’s what matters".  There’s not too much room in that for accountability, growth, or self-improvement.  Again, I know I’m not a parent yet, and I’m sure there are complications and difficulties that I can’t even foresee.  But I plan to be the best parent I can possibly be.

There truly is something to be said for taking your meds regularly.  I’m not even tired, agitated, or paranoid anymore.  The brain is a beautiful thing.

Enough of that serious stuff.  I’m off to work on school work.  Later, I’m hoping to go to the World of Coke with Ivan, and to IKEA to look at baby stuff and then to buy a treadmill.  Fun times, yo!

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September 25, 2010

I think my husband thinks I’ll be a little bit too protective- I can’t believe how some parents allow their children to be drinking soda at such a young age. There’s so many wrong health issues with a child having caffeine at such a young age. I feel exactly the way you do when it comes to parenting even tho I’m not a parent yet.

September 27, 2010

omg allowing a child old 2drink that much soda isnt gd. Happy shopping, baby stuff shopping is awesome.. its just like “aww” at everything u see. lol ryn- ooo aruba looks nice, im thinkin we deserve a nice holiday next summer so im thinking of just booking somewhere.

October 3, 2010

I love that you are thinking about all this stuff with parenting. It’s a good mindset to have! And with both my pregnancies, I was busy with schoolwork and I think that it just made everything so easy. It prevents you from becoming overly worried and crazy about having a baby. And it’s good for your mind to have that to turn to even after the baby. PS: The “Baby Bargains” book is a MUST HAVE.

October 7, 2010

ryn- thank you, hope your doing ok. did u find out the sex of the baby? im hoping for a girl for you as everyone i know is having boys right now, not that the sex really matters aslong as the baby is okay. 🙂 xx

October 12, 2010

ryn- omg yay!! im so happy for you, its lovely having a daughter. 🙂 Thought of any names yet?? xx

October 26, 2010

ryn- aww love the name 🙂 xx

October 27, 2010

I know how it is… I am the same way… I even write crazy to do lists to keep my mind focused and not one usually two or three!! Yes all parents should set limits and boundaries but a lot of them do not… amen to everything you said about parenting… Someday i will understand what it is like… Yay for buy the treadmill of course mine is a collection to dust!

October 27, 2010

just wanted to drop by and say hi i have missed you and i am back 🙂 hope all is well love the new profile pic you are so beautiful

October 30, 2010

Dear Link _ Cyanide, I’, glad to see that your back. Writelove

October 30, 2010

ryn- lol, my mum will probably be the same!! i’ll try teach her modern technology but it probably wont get me anywhere haha. xx

November 6, 2010

Girl you gotta update us!

November 7, 2010

ryn- thanks i will find out about it, i have to have 12% on my roots to lift it which is the peroxide and thats coz im really dark naturally. 🙂 x

November 24, 2010

ryn- thank you, im doin ok.. just got to get on with it. Hope u and bump are doin well, has she had any more cravings for mexican? lol xx

December 23, 2010

ryn- i have become abit lazy in the gym though, sometimes a break from it does u good.. im hopin that eatin a few bad things will help me get focused again once xmas is over as i’ll b tryin harder. just wana be healthier, not jus for the weightloss. i dont want to lose much more, mainly tone up.. but i defo dont wana gain. Hows lil evangeline coming along? sorry if ive spelt it wrong!Happy xmas xx

I can relate when you say your mind slips into dark places if you aren’t occupied.. and do you notice that if you allow it to slip into those places, it gets harder and harder to occupy yourself, because you get so deep into it? I’m not a parent, but I do believe that one of the main things a child needs is stability. I think that is why it is so damaging for children when there are no boundaries. From my personal observations, children actually love and respond well to limits, when applied correctly. Thank you so much for the note! Too true I get annoyed by those things. People are forceful and ill-informed. A dangerous combination..