Prepare for the onslaught! *pics*

Everything is still awesome.  The sickness has passed, leaving me free, energetic, and well, not to mention excited beyond words about this pregnancy.  I am so happy about it that I could burst.  It’s wonderful to not be terrified like last time, wonderful to have something so awesome to look forward to.  I look forward to the hospital, giving birth, the whole bit!

Evie is still incredible.  The happiest kid ever.  We can take her anywhere and everywhere, and she thoroughly enjoys herself.  We’ve been taking her lots of places lately and having lots of family time, which  has been beyond awesome.  I love her so much that I hate seeing her go to bed at night, because I miss her!  I’m thrilled when she wakes up around 1:00 am or so for a diaper change.  Even more thrilling is the fact that she usually sleeps until 9 or 10, which is good for me because I’ll never be an early riser, I fear.

She still enjoys daycare.  Never cries when I drop her off — she just grins at me and turns to her friends and starts playing.  Even when the other kids take a toy from her, she doesn’t get upset, she just gives them a friendly look.  I’m told that whenever a staff member is having a bad day, they come into the infant room and cuddle Evie for awhile, and she makes them feel better.

I love how she ADORES me, like I’m the most fascinating person on earth.  It’s so amazing, because she’s such a wonderful person, and to have such a wonderful person love ME more than anyone else…wow.  I LOVE HER!!  She’s so loving and sweet, I just know she’ll make the best big sister ever.

My job is awesome too.  I LOVE teaching.  My fears and discomfort with speaking in front of people is now utterly gone, and my confidence is sky-high.

I have a bunch of pictures to share!  Enjoy.

Playing out in the yard.


Swinging at the park.

In absolute HEAVEN at Tanglewood Farms!

They really DO say "Baaa"!  Sooo cute.  Evie seems to love petting animals as much as I do.

Out to eat.  Least-picky child ever, she will eat ANYTHING and everything

Random shot from today.

Can’t stop my "modeling" impulses!

I’m not the only one in the fam who can pose…

This is SO us — hanging out and having fun!  We’re so compatible it’s ridiculous.

Just me.

Fun with hats!

Daddy!  Evie’s favorite thing to say is "Uh-oh, Daddy!", which I taught her.

Chris and I have been having lots of bestie time, which has been wonderful.  It’s so nice to feel like going out again!

Eating Mexican food with Chris.

Earlier today, headed to our friends’ tavern.

I Love Everything!

Belly shots from today @ almost 18 weeks.  I can’t believe I’m nearly halfway done!  It’s so nice to be enjoying this pregnancy.

Morning cuddles.

Lights, camera, and not a stitch of makeup!

I love her in blue — it brings out her odd grayish-greenish-blue eyes.

Goofing off at the tavern today.

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April 1, 2012

Sounds like you’re definitely in a good spot right now!

April 3, 2012

You look amazing as always! Tiny still, but you was last time too. Great pics Evie looks so cute! Glad everything is going well. Xx

April 9, 2012

Awwwww, she looks so cute! I can’t believe you’re already half way thru your pregnancy!

July 13, 2012

Evie is SO cute, she looks JUST like Dad! ~