
I’m alive!

And I’m about 4.5 months pregnant!  (I have to do the month thing, because the weeks confuse me.  I think I’m 17-18 weeks?)

Pregnancy is, for the most part, a piece of cake.  I had maybe three or four queasy days, but only actually threw up a couple of times.

I’m still shocked that it actually "worked"!  It was kind of an experiment,  In other words, I know the very day and even the hour of, er, conception.  And that’s much more than I usually say about these things.  I’m not a person who posts ultrasound photos and stuff; in all honestly I find that weird.  If other people do it, that’s cool, it’s just a personal thing.

I’ve gained hardly any weight and am barely showing at all…in clothes, anyway.  Of course, the clothing is strategically chosen because of my stomach-vanity.  I’m still not a huge eater of food, even pregnant, but I do find myself enjoying food more than I did before.  I now eat maybe as much as a "normal" person, but then I know that pregnancy is no excuse for eating tons of bad food.  300 extra calories is really all you need.  I’m still religiously doing my trampoline exercises, and now that I’m taking classes again I’m walking a lot.

I admit I had a few freak-out moments in the beginning.  You know, those fabulous "oh crap, my life will never be the same" moments, but now I am really getting more and more thrilled by the day.  Ivan is ridiculously happy about it.  When I first told him, he literally jumped out of his chair and began jumping up and down, shouting for joy.

So now I get to bore you all with pictures!

Messing around outside of the house, last week.

A few months ago.  "I need to get my hair did!"

Two days ago, getting ready for class.  (Back in school, FINALLY done with the masters’ this December.)

At my mum’s house, shortly after we told her the news.

Bad, grainy picture from about a month ago, going out to dinner with my mum and Cousin Kaye.

Pouty, two days ago.

Pouty again!

I have SEEN the light!

It’s so wonderful to be happy, and for things to be going well.  I had worried for so long about being pregnant, thinking that I would hate it and that I would be totally uncool with the idea of having a baby.  But now I can say, bring it ON, white cheese!!

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You look ridiculously FABULOUS!! Enjoy this time for sure, because your life WILL change, but it’s a great change, I promise. But you will probably be the most well rested right now 😉 And I also know the exact time, moment day of my boys’ conceptions … experiments work for us too! PS: this is Laela

You look ridiculously FABULOUS!! Enjoy this time for sure, because your life WILL change, but it’s a great change, I promise. But you will probably be the most well rested right now 😉 And I also know the exact time, moment day of my boys’ conceptions … experiments work for us too! PS: this is Laela

September 17, 2010

Heeey…what are YOU doing on OD??! 😉 I think I can detect a faint baby bump on the one shot that’s in profile. I was the same way; didn’t show til the last trimester.

September 17, 2010

OMG! I wondered what happened to you!! I can’t believe your pregnant! You look fab! I wanna know the exact day and everything as well when we try. That is so exciting!

September 19, 2010

Enjoy every moment, it goes so fast. Im really happy for you, u will make a great mum. 🙂

October 27, 2010

LOL, love it love your pictures… Enjoy every moment!!!