Is it odd…?

…that this, my first pregnancy, has been rather easy?  I hear these horror stories from others who are as far along (or further) than I am, and it’s dreadful.  I really can’t complain.

I also don’t understand these things I read from parents who let their kids run wild, and then wonder why they can’t control their kid.  I’m not a parent just yet, but I DO know that you DON’T let your kids have control of YOU from day one.  It takes all my of self-control to NOT comment on some of these people’s diaries that I read occasionally, from these people whining about their kid being such a hellion.  *rolls eyes*

I have to get back to my presentation on the Sudan for tomorrow, and my bibliography for my paper on female genital mutilation.  (I…really don’t know why I want to write on this topic.)  I hope everyone has a joyous late-summer-early-fall day!

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Have a fun pregnancy. Too bad I can’t get prego.

September 22, 2010

That’s great that you are having a good pregnancy! I’m with you 100% on whining hellions! I just don’t understand why people let their kids get away with so much. I once saw a kid hit his mom cause he wasn’t getting what he wanted at the store then tell her she couldn’t do anything about it cause he would call the police on her, then she got him whatever it was he wanted! *SMH*

September 22, 2010

supernanny has made me scared to have kids. But at the same time I know I would never let my kids get that bad. I agree with you I hate seeing bad parenting. The other week I witnessed a girl shouting ‘f;cking shut up’ to a screaming BABY. I was so angryyy. PS. congrats 🙂 and amazing that your having an easy pregnancy. xx

September 22, 2010

This actually made me laugh out loud. You can’t always “control the kid”. My child is very well behaved but ALL children have their moments.

September 22, 2010

enjoy it, i had an easy pregnancy with kaydi too.. 🙂 i believe all parents need to be firm, but loving too. we need bump piccies!!! 🙂 xx

September 22, 2010

RYC: Yeah, you’re right. The people there are much nicer than my last job with that women. I don’t get either why parents act as if they have no idea regarding their kids being out of control when they themselves never put their foot down in the first place.

September 24, 2010

Congratulations lady.

September 24, 2010

A baby can’t control you. Just wait. It isn’t all that easy sometimes.

October 3, 2010

I’m glad you are having a good pregnancy. I never had sickness with either of mine (a bit of nausea for 2 days max each time) but some of my girlfriends had it so bad they had to take pills that cancer patients take to cope with all the sickness. I think those stories over take all the other experiences. YAY THAT YOU ARE NOT IN THAT BOAT!

October 3, 2010

Oh and, um, confused_B is right on target.

October 27, 2010

OMG I am behind… hee hee congrats