Oh no and they thought the toe nail polish was bad
Yep..I looked over and he was pulling my tutu off of the back of the chair, where I am keeping it so that it doesn’t get all tangled. I stopped him and asked him what he is doing, and he replies “put it on, maybe?” So I said, ok, let’s get it on. I will grab a clippy so it doesn’t fall off. (because he is 4 and skinny, and well..I am neither) So he was so excited. He quickly was over it, and now I have more to black mail him with!
Does anyone know how to link in tout? I video’d him too hahahahahahahahhahaha (except evil laughter)
My brothers (I have 3) and they freak out when he has toe nail polish. Initially he was 2 and wanted to bond with me, and I didn’t see a problem..now he is twice the age..will be going to public school where kids get meaner and I am trying to break it. So….I can only imagine their take when they see this picture.
i think it is adorable. i thought you were talking about that ad from the summer time with the mom and little boy with painted nails i think it was landsend or some brand like that. didnt know you had your own nail polish issue.
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I see nothing wrong with this and I’m glad you indulge him! I imagine my brother might have an issue with it too, though :/
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kids are kids. you’re an amazing mommy for not flipping out!
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I think that we are too glued to ‘social norms’ but that’s my thought on it
Glad you’re the mom you are.
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love it!
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“now I have more to black mail him with!” LMAO! Hahahahahhaa!
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