If everyone else was jumping off of a cliff…
…would you? Yep!! Here is my year in review.
January 2011 (um, I am guessing you figured that part out) – I tried to set a budget (failed at it, going to do better), and my neighbor got a kitten, who completely attacked me while I was trying to hold it, bit me in numerous places, and scratched me to pieces. She had to get rid of it.
February – Remember the blizzard?? Well, I had to stay late (we had closed early) to get a filing out. I ended up catching the last train to the burbs. I was stuck on it for over 4 hours, due to they couldn’t keep the switches on long enough to get the train through, without derailing us. We sat and the train swayed back and forth from the wind. I was so happy to have chocolate with me. (not even kidding…)
March – Well, I signed up for my very first half marathon. I didn’t start training for months…(read end of June)
April – I learned a good friend of mine, who is a year older than me, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. (She went through surgery/treatment/etc and will get retested this spring to see if it is gone)
May – My big kid turned 4. This was hard birthday for me. The difference between turning 3 to 4 and the realization that he will be 5 in a year and off to kindergarten next year is pretty hard on me.
June – Our a/c was broken and we made it through the summer without a/c. Trust me…it sucks. I started training for my half marathon on June 26. (shakes head)
July – I turned older, and continued with my training. I was planning my training based on the temps (remember no a/c) and would get up at 3:30 am to get on the dreadmill before work.
August – We went to the homeland and I finally started getting my runs in outside. I did long runs 9 and 10 there. I took time off of work to get my 12 mile run in outside. I ended up getting injured. It was a horrible run.
September – I decided to try to redo my 12 miler. Again, got injured..different injury..this mofo hurt.
My favorite barista wrote this on my coffee cup a few days before the half
I did finish the half-marathon in 2:41:58, sicker than a dog, on a cold/rainy day.
October – Just 2 weeks after the half, I PR’d (37:58.8) in a 5k while pushing this
November – I lost my running mojo after the 5k, I attempted slightly to get it back. I also decided to lose weight, bought a scale, and started a weight loss blog here. Yeah, I haven’t lost weight.
December – Really missed my family over the holidays. I had a great time with my son’s grandparents. They are great. Also found that my family is very lucky and blessed.
your neighbor gave up her kitten b/c it bit and scratched you? did you spend a lot of time with it? like, if keeping the kitten – would it have had tons of access to you??? william says “give kissies to that owie mama”. i’m going to pass, if that’s ok! LOL!!!
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Happy New Year!
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eep, that looks like it hurt like hell! New shoes maybe?? Some nice accomplishments in there – good for you!
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For me, it honestly depends on the cliff and the reasoning for jumping
Another year gone, another year lived, so much to look forward to. I hope your 2012 is a positive place. Happy New Year!
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ryn: there is some background in the previous entry. as for your entry you forgot all your handy (wo)man accomplishments. you deserve more credit
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Happy New Year!! This was a busy year!
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You accomplished a lot in 2011. I know you’ll do amazing things in 2012 if you put your mind to it!
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