Fix-it Lindy
So I figured out yesterday just before my guests arrived that our milk was sour. I thought the refrigerator had been a bit warm, but blew it off thinking it was because we were in it more.
But nope..the freezer was working, the refrigerator was not. It hummed like it was working, but it wasn’t.
This refrigerator is only 4 years old. And the money tree out back is plum out of $250+ for someone to come and look at it. And they wonder why people would rather buy a new refrigerator than try to “fix” one for that kind of money.
So my friends came over last night, and my friend’s boyfriend did research while I made crepes. This morning, I fixed it! (I think so, it seems to be getting colder).
So while I had the tools out, I fixed the microwave door (the screw was coming out). I also figured out how to remove the light bulbs in the range and go to Home Depot and replace those.
Earlier this year, my washing machine quit working, I thought it was the pump. So I ordered the part, and replaced it. Did it work?? Nope! Crap..found out it was probably the safety switch. I ordered that part, installed it, and guess what..I fixed it!
Would you have attempted to fix it? What things have you fixed at your house?
I can fix computers… not appliances. I call people in. I know my limits.
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oh wow, i havent fixed something in a long time. but YAY for saving money.
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yay! I fix everything. Can’t recall anything breaking in recent years though.
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toilets, sinks, stuff like that. i leave the Big Stuff to my step dad or the yellow pages LOL
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absolutely nothing. LOL. I just replace or call my ex!
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I replaced a couple of lightbulbs the other day.
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AWESOME!! I love that you fixed these things!!! I like to think I would have attempted it, too, because I hate to part with money.. but I think it would depend on how much I knew about what I was doing.
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