yeah so I went to karaoke this past Wed……. *E*

the 13th.


enough of going on about my adventures. ok we get it.


ya know it’s true what they say. ya can take the girl out off the bar but……well, you know the rest. [obviously. given my adventures as of late. um].


Yeah so got to the bar between 8:30 and 9 ordered a dr. pepper waited for my friend Mark. went outside onto the smoking where my friends Gwyn and Keith were talked to them a bit, and Carrie. [backround info: Gwyn used to date Alex who knows of Chris who’s dating Carrie. And. I met Keith like, a year or so ago when I was by myself at the bar one night and he and his friends invited me to join them. and they got me drunk. we had the time of our lives that night. wow, a year…….has it really been that long? wow].

Carrie left. Prior, I thanked her for being there for me back in March. We have – ‘we’. as though I work at the bar – new waitresses. Bridget, Cassidy and the blonde whose name I don’t know. I’m not a fan of Bridget. She seemed tired and came off as cold not v. friendly. Cassidy was having so much fun that night. I ran into LeAnne and Holly. they were there w/ their other friend, so. I love Holly. everyone, loves Holly. she’s one of those sweet beautiful people. she’s a doll. Oh and Joe was there. he looks to be 60 he’s a gym teacher retiring at the end of this year. he’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. talked to Joe a bit before he left. We hugged yay! that’s the first time he’s ever hugged me. wow. nice guy like I said.

yeah so Mark arrived. he’d accidentally grabbed the wrong phone, or something. called me from a pay phone which apparently didn’t go through. yeah my phone’s done that lately. but anyway yeah he found me at the bar. [again. obviously. yeah I’m great at that game]. he sang ‘thrift shop’ – as it so happens he works in/at one. which I at first didn’t get. like oh yeah that makes perfect sense now… that he’s pointed it out. he also sang barenaked ladies’ ‘one week’. he’s good. I like both those songs.

The karaoke guy who was filling in for Mandi had tech difficulties so we didn’t start until 9:30 or so. oh and then he forgot that I’d put in my 2nd song after about an hr. he’s like ‘you put in a song didn’t you?’ ‘yes’ ‘omygod I am so sorry. um what was it again?’. I wasn’t upset or anything I just found it funny. My opening was ‘new york state of mind’. my next one ‘livin on a prayer’ which used to be my opening.

I’ve actually gotten better. well I mean not that I was bad or anything before. um. i’m not in control as much when I sing which is actually really hard for me.

I spent some time talking w/ Mark. and he made small talk w/ some other people. he met gwyn and keith and they seemed to like him. they left before midnight.

*Omygod. so I passed by this guy like, 4 or 5 times before finally realizing who it was. wow………go me. So as I’m putting $2 on the bar to tip them, this guy Douglas [I wouldn’t consider him a friend. bar regular, guy I know. nice guy, caring] is like "hey lady". takes me a moment to figure out who it is. he’s got a bead now says ‘I don’t even recognize myself sometimes’. i sit down and we start talking. we have a good conversation, honest. about zoot suits and the whole ‘it’s good to see you’ ‘it’s good to be seen’.thing. he offered to buy me a shot but I’m only having 2 white Russians that night, so.

my last song of the night was ‘i’m goin down’, mary j. blige. I was nervous about doin it but it went well, smooth. it’s a good song. I first heard it on ‘smash’.

for the most part I had a good night.

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