um. wow. what a weekend. interesting. >>>

Um. wow. what a weekend. *[and everybody’s workin for it. you know, like the song. yes I do like the song].

well *I*. had an interesting weekend [there’s] no denying that. and eventful. nomadic. long. wanderlustful. Btw I’m ok don’t worry [of course now that I’ve gone and said that….um].

So here’s what happened.



I woke up at 10:40 on time for once. didn’t go to my art class could’ve. got ready, went to the Subway down the street got lunch there then to the bus stop at Parker and Iliff. took the bus to Cherry Creek.

saw About Time at 4:25 didn’t want to stay through the entirety of it. so I didn’t. it wasn’t great but it was good. I took the bus to SE Denver and visited my bar. This was between 7 – 8 p.m. didn’t stay long. decided to stop by and surprise everyone which they liked. went to the zen spot visited Pat talked to him a bit. that was. emotional. um yeah.

*In the bar I was all happy. awww yay. it was so good to be home.

and so then. I. …….  went to Milo’s between 1 – 2 a.m. I don’t remember what happened between 8 p.m. Fri. and 1 a.m. Sat.



as put. went to Milo’s between 1 – 2 a.m. [well obviously I didn’t go at 2 since here bars close at 2]. I wasn’t even there 15 mins. when this guy buys me a shot of SoCo my fave. he was foreign. Aaron. I think he was Indian like, from India. I flirted of course. I was all sexy and charming. We went out onto the indoor balcony [we had to go out to go………in…….hm] where we talked and kissed but didn’t make out. he was pushy I was drunk *[like that’s new. actually it is as of Fri.] and tired. it was nice fun but it didn’t mean anything. we went back in.

Inside I saw this girl Allison who worked at the King’s by my place. she wasn’t very nice. she was uptight and pushy. she was there w/ her friends who were siblings. of each other I mean that I know of they’re not related to Allison. they were cool. someone of the 3 bought me a shot of fireball. Allison was like ‘yeah you’re all sweet and innocent and…’ she was evidently surprised I was shooting SoCo. Like, sweet girls don’t shoot whiskey. um yes yes we do. she was funny. well that’s how I took it. like huh funny [interesting] you think that.

She apparently didn’t like me. I guess cause when I shopped at her store due to the fact that I have a big purse they – or she, anyway – thought I’d been taking shit and somehow that translated her to pushing me to shoot the whiskey faster than I was. [ok so yes there was a time I had been taking shit but that was like 2, 3 yrs. ago. I’ve been good since, so]. Her friend Casey sister of Kevin was all like ‘ya know not everyone can shoot as fast as you can. leave her alone’ and Kevin was the same. I mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him. I didn’t say anything. I could’ve been all ‘yeah yall need to smoke some weed’. Yeah the thing w/ Allison bothered me but I’m not going to like. spend my life trying to make her like me. I didn’t make a scene. I was just there, drinkin, hanging out w/ Aaron and then… Allison comes and.yeah.

So when the bar closed um. I gave Aaron my email [on a napkin] cause I couldn’t remember my um. cell #. he wanted me to come somewhere nearby w/ him but I didn’t. I told him ‘no I can’t I’m going to a friend’s who I’m staying w/’. well I mean I was trying to find a friend Sat. er. was going to later that day, rather. but to no avail. and I am staying w/ someone. But those 2 aren’t the same people.

Ok so then I made my way to Muriel’s *[Pat’s mom’s, if you’ve forgotten] – it was between 2 – 2:30 by this time [you can tell where this is going] – and sat out front by their tree and cried. it’s so safe there. Pat’s still there. it was a good cry. so then I felt kindof weird about sitting on someone’s lawn around 3 a.m. and I made my way downtown. yeah that was fun.


At some point Fri./Sat. I went to a strip club. well ok I stopped, in a strip club. I went in, to a strip club. to ask about the bus. the guy asked if I was one of the dancers. oh no. interesting. I’d never been to a strip club and had always wanted to go. and actually. I’ve been to the Moulin Rouge but not to see a show just to stop by. The strip club was cool. the guy was nice, friendly. authoritative. $15 to get in, apparently. which I didn’t know.

oh I also went into a Wal Mart. at again some point. um. It was well lit and open and there were people inside [well one would hope]. walked around. that was at Hampden Town Center. [yes in Aurora we don’t have malls we have town centers. and a lot of shopping plazas]. I walked through the neighborhood there it was nice. and charming. and quaint. it reminded me of old town Arvada. I felt safe there.


*Also. at some point. I went to Stampede the country bar on Havana. in Aurora. It was nice. people were line dancing. right they have line dancing on Fri. I love watching couples dance. I felt so alive there like I was finally starting to get myself back. i was all happy. awww. didn’t stay long.


*More to come!  >>>>

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