so here’s what happened Monday

So Monday. I. woke up at 10:40 a.m. waited for my mom to get ready we went to Panera but not our usual Panera. where our hugging friend Bob worked. until he got a new job. anyway we went to the Panera on 13th &…….Grant I think it was. I got my usual a Mediterranean sandwich. and water. and chips. Mom got water too. and a sandwich. and chippies. her usual. I don’t know what kindof sandwich she got.

Our lunch was nice. it was in a nice neighborhood. We talked about their – oh she and my dad that ‘they’ – trip to India. I’ve never been but have always wanted to go [bc of the movie ‘a little princess’]. it sounded eye-opening. yeah that’s how I felt about Paris. and Tunisia [I went when I was 10. I didn’t have the mental capacity at the time to really understand how eye-opening it really was]. In India apparently there are people and animals everywhere. it’s colorful and the people are nice they speak English. My mom talked about the religions and cows and the famous river where people go for hospice. and then after they, you know. pass they’re burnt in pires. no wait that’s not you phrase it. I’m sorry. um. but yeah at that famous river a group of people go and live until the end of their lives. and then they’re um. cremated*. well that’s what the Hindus do. and it’s a regular every day occurance. and event. I’ve always been interested in how different cultures view death. That’s the main thing my mom talked about.

The weather in India’s like FL weather. [meaning it’s humid and doesn’t get below 70]. I remember that. I lived in FL for 2 yrs.

The weather here Monday was cold and cloudy and gray.

We also talked a bit about my sister’s coworker Ted. he’s really nice and seems like a doll. apparently he’s an alcoholic [and bc of this I have so much compassion for him. my sister doesn’t know this] and also. apparently his sister is bipolar. or rather she *has* bipolar. sorry.

so then after lunch my mom and I went to the store. where we chai, mangos [those are freakin delicious], eggs, broccoli and a potato. and parmesan.

and then after that. I think when we got back to her place [or got back since I’m currently living at my mom’s] my dad and I walked Stevie their dog. he’s all old now and it’s sad. and I dusted [w/ the swiffer thinger] and vacuumed.

oh and my mom and I watched the rest of the AMAs. which she’d ‘taped’.

we had baked potatos and broccoli for dinner.

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