<<<< part 2. a whole helluva lot of…

……..walking around. and ‘good feelings’. and ‘nice ladies’. McD’s. *the* best thing happened.


A Continuation Of Sat.

So on Sat. a.m. I walked from Muriel’s, which is at Monaco between Leets & Evans, all the way to 1st and then to 12th. which is where the [denver] art museum’s at. right near the giant metal cow. yeah that was fun. it took a good. um. 4 hrs. to walk that far. [well actually those 4 hrs. weren’t good at all! ‘a good 4 hrs.’…..wow]. oh yean cause I was trying to find Evan. to, again. no avail.

’cause when I was in Aurora I’m like well I know Denver pretty well [one would hope. I’ve been living here for um. 21 yrs] so I know my way around. and I don’t know Aurora that well.

The buses had stopped running by then [oh ‘then’ being between 2 – 3 a.m.] and I didn’t have money for a cab and everyone I could’ve called would’ve been asleep and/or stopped me which I clearly didn’t want. and we don’t have a subway [as in underground. not as in the sandwich place. obviously] here, so. also it was cold and they say the best way to stay warm is to keep moving. [or, you know, don’t go out at all which had already happened so]. I went into 3 King’s [King Soopers grocery stores I mean. I went into 3 different ones during this time] cause they’re always open. and they’re well lit. walked around a bit.

at some point [yes, again] I walked by the DTC. it’s really big. I think it’s somewhere downtown. I don’t know it was dark. and then to Valentia and Orchard. I stopped in a hotel. [I didn’t have my phone on since the gps thingy is activated which means people can track me. and like hell I’ma have my phone on if people are going to do that. way to make a girl paranoid. um no]. um. I also ended up by I25 oh yeah I think that was after i’d stopped by the strip club.

So between 6 and 7 a.m. I ended up on Colfax. the sun was coming up. yay. which is weird that it felt colder during that time then it had at night. I don’t understand that. So on Colfax which is the same as 15th I stopped in a McD’s [McDonald’s]. to rest. didn’t stay long. I was tired cold hungry. hurting. like actually physically hurting. my feet. I don’t think people are meant to walk that far or that long. well *I’m* not since prior to all this the longest I’d walked was an hr. and not um. near 8. and/or I’m just not used to it.

Ok so at McD’s *the* best thing happened. This lady goes ‘are you hungry?’ and I’m like what? [I had money to get something but I’d stopped in to rest and not to eat. I didn’t want to get up when I’d just sat down for cryin out loud esp. after walking that much/long. my god] so she gave me her sausage bagel thing. And it was really good. but I was also, as said, hungry. she was so nice. wow no one’s ever done that for me. Now I fully get it. If anything I’m usually the one giving people money/food. well more money than food. actually. I thanked her and told her how nice it was and how touching.

wow. what a nice lady. [oh and ‘good feelings’ too. it’s something Evan used to say. and if you get ‘good feelings’ from ‘nice ladies’ then it’s ‘super awesome’. yeah ya gotta have nice ladies and good feelings. cause if you don’t then idinno what. yeah deff leppardly. that’s something Sage [same person as Pat son of Muriel] used to say. you know, like the band. yes I do like the band].


um but yeah.



More to come! >>>>

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