burgers, gifts, cards, dogs, loving

yeah so on Thurs. my sister, mom and I all went to the smoky burger place on Colorado [which I realise means nothing if you’re not in Denver. it’s a new burger place]. after my dentist appt. I liked it it’s really. narrow. on the half upper wall there’s a b&w of the Denver skyline. I had fries and raspberry tea, Kate [my sister] had a burger and soda and Mom had a burger and water. of course. my mom drinks more water than anyone I know. oh during lunch my mom was sitting facing the sun and so her sunglasses were on and she tells my sister "I can’t hear you I have my sunglasses on". or "don’t look at me in that tone of voice". [Dorothy parker]. right and what tone of voice *should* I look at you in? lol.

god I love fries.

We all forgot I was meeting w/ Jessica [my mentor] who called each of us. we went back to my mom’s where Jessica gave us a container of cookies. she makes really good cookies. and I gave her all the gifts I had for her. [airborne, emergen c, tea, a cd, a dr. seuss book]. she liked all of them. oh and I gave her a card my sister and I’d written in.

Then she – Jessica I mean – and I went to Bob’s. Muriel and Cathy were there. I haven’t seen them since. Pat’s service back in March. [oh pat was my best friend who passed in March]. I gave them all a card and Muriel and Cathy hugs. it was good to see them always is. They met Jessica and they all seem cool w/ each other. While we were standing in their living room I’m thinking ‘wow. I really miss him right now’. I started to tear up. [oh ‘him’ being Pat].

I really like being at their place. it’s really warm and inviting. as is Muriel. I have nothing bad to say about them.

yeah so then Jessica and I went to the King’s by my place where she bought a card for her brother.


So evidently between like. 9 p.m. Thurs. and 2 p.m. Fri. [oh wait that was yesterday] Stevie [my mom’s dog] managed to eat all the cookies Jessica had baked. when my dad calls yesterday and tells me this he refers to her as ‘Jennifer’. um. no. and I was all afraid after that Stevie wouldn’t be w/ us anymore. [ok I obviously know next to nothing about dog/pet health having thought that] but he went to the vet where he uh. got sick which was the best thing they could’ve done for him just like w/ people although it sucks when it’s happening. So he’s ok now.

Oh. so on Thurs. he wanted to ‘help’ me unwrap the gifts Jessica had given me and so he’s holding the gift bag w/ the whole foods gift card in it in his mouth. [not like he’d hold it in his hands he’s not that intelligent. or talented but wow what a trick that’d be. er, ‘hands’…….paws*] I get it away from him and I’m like ‘here you go you get a kiss’. on his head. and they all quite liked that. yes. I can be *very* loving at times. I remember in boarding school at a school dance ‘santa’ was giving us presents and I was the only one who hugged him.

oh so earlier [since nothing ever happens now] today in the kitchen Stevie got stuck by my mom’s wooden turntable thingy. he was ok just prolly v. confused. and the other day on a walk he got his head stuck in 2 twigs. again he was ok. he got himself unstuck both times. yay! good job. I get confused too sometimes.

I like him better now he’s mellow and quieter. except that he’s, you know. old. [well we’ve had him for 11 yrs., so]. he’s so pretty. we’re not sure what kindof dog he is but he looks like a rotweiler. we think he has collie in him since he has that kind of fur. he has a lot of fur. I think that’s what makes up most of his um. him. er I mean his mass his like……….his……I don’t know. his physical dog-ness? I guess. he’s like a lion dog he has so much fur. lol. he’s long haired. and a herding dog. when he was younger he had a lot of energy and wasn’t meant for a city.

[my mom had a collie. her name’s billie. the dog I mean not my mom my mom’s susan. she loved that dog].

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