Work ~ Looking For Something New

I can not believe that I had to put Cocky on suspension. There has been a staff meeting set up for about a month. He is my longest employed and he did not show up. “I completely forgot.” That is not a good enough excuse. I just about blew a gasket when Rahrah told me, Friday night, that he was not able to attend because he has to work at his other job.

I know that these staff meetings are BS and we go over the same old stuff at each and every one of them. But…get with it and we could talk about something different for a change. I get so tired of babysitting and beating a dead horse. Same shit different day.

I have been just awful lately. I can’t remember shit! I told my supervisor that I am having a tough time juggling being a good single parent and a good employee. I explained to him the crap that is going on. He acts like he understands but I just wonder if he really gets it.

Right now I am really upset with him. Last night it was the end of my shift and I was doing the little things that needed I thought that needed to be done before I left. He changed the way we get tipped ~ hard to explain so I won’t go into detail. Now he wants to tip us out daily by the hours that we worked that day. Confused? It is different than we have always done it. So he told me that he already wrote in my time. I stated “you already wrote in my time?” His reply was “you are just milking the clock now aren’t you?”

I set the paper that I was filling in and the pen right in front of him, punched out, started collecting my things, and left. I really need to buck up. I need to be an angry person again because I am back to having my feeling hurt to easily. Yep ~ it really is time to move on. I have been looking for a different job but now I am going to be just a little more serious about it.

I got a new style! Hair style that is ~ got them all cut! I like is so far but I have not tried to style it myself yet. I just had it done yesterday.

I better boogie ~ have to bank and do an audit this morning.



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August 2, 2005

I wnat to see your new hair style! I need a new style too…but need to stop being such a chicken shit about having a drastic change! lol I think once you find a different job you will feel better about alot of things as far as your kids go. Not to mention you will get out of that icky environment.

August 2, 2005

i wanna see your new style! good luck with the job search. if you let me know what kind of job you are looking for i’ll keep my eye out for you. take care.