Wax Removal

If you’d like to read about he Dru Sjodin case this is the link to the articles in the local newspaper

I decided that I wanted to remove the wax finish that I had put on the floor a while back. I felt it was time to put a fresh coat on but I did not want to keep putting layer after layer on the floor.

What a job that turned into since I did not have the actual remover for that substance. All I had was Mr. Clean, a scrubby pad, and elbow grease.

I started then I had to quit because of all the functions. I continued that “journey” when the kids went to bed. I worked for hours on end, having to move everything by myself. Dick did not offer to help me and I’ll be damned to ask for help. That is just a trait that I have ~ if he offered to help me I would have taken him up on the offer but I will not ask for help.

But he did ask if I wanted a snack later. I asked what he had in mind for a snack. Pizza. Sure!

I continued to scrub the floor, he continued to laze about and watch television.

I finally finished after almost five hours of scrubbing. He decided to go to bed ~ I never did get pizza. Maybe he thought that I was going to make it. Whatever!

I think I am going to skip the wax finish! But I really want a shiny floor even if it only lasts for a little while. It is so much work putting it on so that there is no streaks, hair, dust, etc. And it is so much work later to remove it! Indecisions!

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