Three Day Leave

I never once thought that my life would be such a mess! Actually it is not my life that is a mess. It is the life of my children that is such a mess. Their father is an alcoholic ~ a nasty drunk. When he is not drunk he is sober and mean ~ probably going through withdrawals.

Life was not great when he was on the wagon for those two years but it certainly was better than this. I think!

He calls and tells them that he will be home in a little while then doesn’t even come home. For the past three nights Thursday, Friday, and Saturday he was not home. Oh let me take that back. Saturday morning he was home long enough to take a shower. He left Thursday morning for work and never showed up again until then. He came in around 11:00 this morning. He went directly to bed!

I have asked him to move out. He said no. If anyone knows of any resources to have him removed from the home or any legal advice I am open to it.

I have spoken to the kids about us moving out. “Why do we have to move why can’t he just go? It would be easier because it is just him and there are four of us. We have four bedrooms here.”

My heart breaks for them. I know that I have to get them out of the situation one way or the other. If we move I am taking them away from their friends, their school, their sports, and their home.

When we moved here I wanted a house that the kids could be proud to have friends visit. The house that we moved from was such a shithole. I wanted better for them here. We have better here ~ a nicer house. Their home is a mess because their father wants nothing to do with them. He does not want to be home. He chooses his booze over his children.

I am also looking for a day job. Not in addition to my evening job I want a day job so that I can be home with the kids in the evening. They can not be alone all of the time!



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July 31, 2005

I am so sorry. There has to be a better way. One thing that I see that is a positive in your children’s lives is that they have you as their mom. That is a very good thing. Because of this, they will know that they are loved and they will be okay, no matter where they live or what their dad chooses to do with his life. ((((Lilly Lou))))

August 1, 2005

Edith Ann is right about you being the kids mom! YOu are a great mom sweet pea. Missing you terribly today and wish we were closer.