The Frozen Tundra
I am listening to a radio station that keeps saying -29 ° with a -46° Wind chill factor. Brrr…it is cold here in the Frozen Tundra.
I took a nap for about two hours. Actually I decided to go to sleep at about five with a headache and I got up at before seven with the same headache.
Well, I have a picture that I want to post that I just took. Now the batteries in my camera are too low to download the picture. One darn picture and not enough juice! So now I have to wait for my batteries to charge because my extra set is dead too. I gave my third set to someone for something and I can not remember who I gave them to for what reason.
I have a picture of Nadine posted with her birthday cake ~ right now it is a life-sized picture. I am trying to get smaller! Of course I am a dummy and can not figure out how to do that.
I was wrong I did figure out how to change the size of that picture. No more life-sized Nay.
Now the sun is shining right on my monitor so I am going to get away from the computer. It is either that or cover the window with my blanket and block out the sun. On a day like today it is a good thing that the sun is shining we could use some of its mighty heat!
We need some heat here too! It feels like the frozen tundra here also!!
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