Monday, Monday ~ It’s So Good To Me

Where did the day go? I have been sitting here at the computer for about three hours. Accomplishing nothing other than watering my withering plants and polishing off a pot of coffee.

I have been reading my E-mail and catching up on my favorites here in OD. I guess that I feel the need to do nothing yet I look around and see that there are plenty of things that I should do.

Yesterday was a day! Yikes!

I woke up late and that was my own fault. I remember Alexa telling me that the alarm was ringing. I told her that it was for her! That alarm was not actually for her, it was for me to get up and make sure that the kids got ready for school. Then when they get on the bus, if I am still tired, I will re-set the alarm and go back to sleep for a bit. Obviously I did not get up and I did not re-set the alarm. Ugh.

I woke up late as I have already stated. I was trying to find something to wear when I scolded myself “you are only going banking and you are late. Just put some clothes on and get your ass out the door.” So I threw on a pair of jeans and old shirt and I was out the door ~ six minutes after waking. Anyone that knows me knows that I am not very sensible until after I have been awake for a bit longer than six minutes. Needless to say I should not even be driving six minutes after I wake up.

I was half way to town when I realized that I OPEN! It is almost 10:30 and I have to be on site at 12:30 to be open by 1:00. Living 15 miles out of town and not dressed properly for work! Ugh! How am I going to manage that?

I got to town in time to do the banking at the bank. I always feel like such a chump when I don’t make it to town in time and I have to do the banking at the office. That takes someone away from doing the job that they are there to do. But I made it to the bank this time.

I had to drop off all the unsold pull-tabs and paperwork from the previous quarter. I had to get a check and cash it so that we had some cash on site for blackjack. Then I had to put the cash bag in the safe and the drop boxes on the tables. Time is flying!! I had too much to do and not enough time to do it.

I made the decision to go to Target and buy a pair of pants that would compliment my old shirt. Maybe I can get by with wearing it just this one time. I realized that I did not have my checkbook not did I have a credit card with me! Cash ~ yeah like I ever have any cash! Okay trash that decision. I have to go back home.

Going back home was the best decision because I had not brushed my teeth. (gag) I had not washed my face. I did nothing but throw on clothes and out the door I went ~ I even combed my hair in the car.

When I got back home I ran through the shower, brushed my teeth, and dressed in clothes appropriate for work.

I made it to the site by 1:00 and had table #1 ready to be opened at 1:05. I was moving! I had most of the paperwork done the Saturday night. I can do that with most of the bingo paperwork and I do it because it makes me tired to do it at opening. It is a boring process! Counting bingo cards bores me to tears then I need a nap.

Speaking of which ~ I think that I will have a nap right now. I am bored!

Sweet dreams to me.

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