the future

So I work in the catering department for a restaurant chain called Le Pain Quotidien. It’s a Belgium bakery started in Belgium and then migrated to New York where we have 18 stores. We also have stores in Maryland, DC and Virginia and California. It’s an okay place for people who are into organic ingredients and things of that nature.


I started there as a barista, then moved to serving in one of the locations. Then they moved me to our main office in New York to be the office manager and from there I joined the catering department. This upset some of the managers and general managers and district managers cause they wanted me to move forward into a manger position. For some reason people think I am a great people person (fyi I hate people, but I am a good actress). So ever since I have been here my old boss and one of the district managers have been trying to get me back into the stores.


Yes it is true a 9 to 5 job, sitting on ur ass all day is kind of boring. But I loooooooooooooVe having weekends/holidays off. That was a huge bonus. Plus the people I work with are kool. I like taking my hour to shop in Soho. Or going to lunch with the girls. Plus there is a cutie that works close to my job that I get to stare at every day.


Its sounds like I’m saying goodbye because I met with the Vice President today who informed me that he wants to put me back in one of our locations to begin training as a manger. He thinks my personality is better suited there. Apparently I am bubbly and good with people. Where are these people getting this from? Pros: I won’t be sitting on my ass all day. I can move up quickly and possibly transfer back to Virginia (where I wanna be to get married, have babies and be near my friends and family). Also it will be more money in the long run. Cons: weekends and holidays are gone. That means early mornings and late night. That means dealing with dumb rude ass customers on a daily basis. That means saying goodbye to my crew here at the office.


But I really don’t have a choice in the matter. My new position starts the first week of June. So bye bye oh sweet plans I had for 4th of July (a holiday I will no longer have anymore L.) So this is my new career path



I am trying to be positive about it. I am more suited in the position cause I know what am I am doing. The restaurant industry is not for everyone. But I am good at it. My new goal is to work my way up to General Manager. Trasfer to Alexandria VA where I am 2 and a hlaf hours from my mom’s house and best friends. Where I am 45 mins from my guy best friend (the love of my life). Where i am close to my college and all my college buddies. I hope to be there by the time I am 31. Ill be 28 this year. And within that time I hipe to be published with a book deal so I can live out my real dream.


Im not much for planning but I think this one is solid and can be worked out.


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May 29, 2009

I know it hurts eviee.. Thats hwy i have a positive attitude with her and once shes asleep i let out a good cry and when shes awake i greet her with a smile and my heart smiles when she smiles at me. I dont show sadness around her unless its something that happens with her right there.

May 29, 2009

Wow. Having nights and weekends off is a HUGE part of my ideal job. I would love that. But there seems to be a lot more pros than cons when it comes to the new job. ryn: Thanks.

May 30, 2009

ryn: that’s sad he ruined skittles for you. what a bastard. I have to say, you have my utter respect working in the food business. My experience working in that industry can be summed up in one word: HELL. And yes, it has to be all caps. I hope your plan works!

June 3, 2009