quitting time?

So we went out for Luis’s birthday Saturday night. It was the usual people. Me Luis Mecca Crystal and Charles. Yeah Charles was there. Its not so much akward between us anymore but than again it is. If that even makes sense. The night started off kool. Everyone was late, I was actually on time. Go figure. It was cold as hell that night. I was dying. But as the night went on I was getting so annoyed. Its no fun being the only sober person. Everyone else was drunk and acting silly and dumb (well except Crystal). She lost her wallet so her mood went down (of course). I’m not saying I am above the silliness of being drunk its just no fun when ur not ya know. I stopped drinking and dont judge anyone who wants to get their taste on. So anywho I was a bit annoyed as the night went on.

Charles clearly still has feelings for me and I try to keep my distance so it doesnt become a problem. I dont know how deep is runs but i do know its not that easy to get over someone you used to love. I kinda wish he never told me he loved me. That way I wouldnt know and wouldnt have to censor the shit i do or say around him ya know. I kinda wished we never crossed the friendship line cause we really used to have some good times back in the day when it was all innocent. Now its just akward. And I hate the way he stares at me (like ive been in your bed, ive been there with you so why are you talking to this other guy right in my presense). Its weird, but it is what it is.

I stayed out as late as i did with them cause it was Luis’s bday and he is my buddy, plus he lives in BK too and we always ride home together. But being out all night in the cold in a dress made me sick. I woke up late Sunday with the worst sore throat. It feels like someone is scratching it with a fork repeatedly. Shit is annoying. And to top it off we are having a snow storm. I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. Its at least a foot of snow. ALmost taller than me-LOL. In Virginia this amount of snow would definalty be a snow day- and i wish like hell I was in VA right now instead of at work.

The snow started lastnight and was becoming heavier as the night grew darker. I could hear all the cats and kittens outside crying cause they were so cold and quickly being covered in snow. Im not a cat person per-se but I do have some kind of love/hate relationship for them so it broke my heart to know they were out there cold and hungry. I could barely sleep thru their cries.

But here I am at work sick. I feel like crap and just want to go home and lay in bed. But I have 6 more hours of work before I call it quitting time.

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March 2, 2009

ryn: lol, I’d take your snow, ours is almost gone already. It will be ice tonight, our low is 19, I think, but hey, it’s going to be 70 on Friday 🙂 I hope you feel better, I just took some Tylenol Sinus to see if it’ll rid me of my now familiar sinus headache.

March 3, 2009

ryn: Yeah I definitely see. lol Hope you’re feeling better. I know how it feels to cross the line with a friend and then it becoming awkward since you have mutual friends and basically have to see them once in a while. Oh well, you can’t stop living your life to spare his feelings.

March 3, 2009

Thanks for the note 🙂

March 3, 2009

Thanks for the note 🙂

March 5, 2009

I sooo do not do snow. Its pretty and fun for about a day, then i’m cool with it. Which is why I live where it never gets that cold! :o)