
So I am in the process of moving back to my old office. It was supposed to be official today but the IT guy who was supposed to bring over my computer and phones has today off. The office manager specifically asked him if he was going to help me move Monday and he said yeah. So I just packed up my files and things and took them over. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back at the support center with everyone else. But I must say I will miss this place and everyone here. its was starting to feel like home. Bitter sweet…indeed.

Twice this morning before noon I had two different older guys tell me I look like Stephanie Mills. The second guy really thought I was her, but then realized I am waaaaay too young to be her. This is a comment that I hear all the time and always from older guys who grew up listening to Stephanie Mills. I can kinda see how I look like her (in the cheekbone area) but other than that I don’t get it. These old guys seem to loooooove me. And I wonder if I’m like some sort of fantasy for them.

This weekend I did absolutely nothing. it was great. I stayed up to like 4 and 5 in the morning watching movies and slept in to like 2 and 3 in the afternoon. I felt like the old me for a couple of days. it was exactly what I needed, although I feel bad about missing a birthday party I was invited to Saturday night. Everyone said how much fun it was. Oh well.


That’s all for now. I’m still trying to finish this last segment of the Twilight series. Will Bella hurry up and have this baby already!

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March 23, 2009

I’ll def. be careful, thanks. Ya know as long as I’ve lived in VA, I’ve never been to NOVA.

March 23, 2009

How do you like the series? I found the last book had the most entertainment, but I have a long list of issues with the books otherwise…

March 25, 2009

DANNNGGG Bella got prego? Ok. Going home to start reading New Moon ASAP. *Sigh*