Mondays suck

I took my shower last night so I could sleep a little longer this morning, but still when I woke up I was tired as hell. The weather is grey and rainy. my period is nowhere to be found. I didn’t have it last month and its still not here yet. and no I’m not pregnant. u have to actually have sex.

so this morning I’m standing in a long ass lime to buy a monthly metro card from the MTA booth. When there are 3 people ahead of me this older guy is gonna stand to the side leaning against the booth. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt okay maybe he needs to ask directions. but no, as soon as its my turn he slips his metro card and $2.00 in the slot, ahead of me. I looked at him and said don’t you see me in line? he looks at me and says OH, and keeps about his business. I go you men are so fucking rude. and he’s like why does it have to be us men? I was getting pissed at this point, cause you are the one cutting this whole damn line. its fucking rude and you are too old for this; have some respect. His ass didn’t say shit, he just walked away. But to top it off he comes back mumbling something about how his card is not working and cuts in front of me again b4 I could get my change. I moved his card out the way got my money and caught the train. I was so fucking pissed off. I was almost in tears on the train. The thing is shit like this happens all the time in NY. Men are so rude here. They don’t hold doors open for you. They don’t offer seats to the old, children, handicapped or woman on the subway. they don’t offer to help women carry strollers up the stairs. they push past you. They cut you in line. its fucking ridiculous. I mean have some kind of respect. I’m from the south and I’m used to people having manners. This shit is so annoying and I’m fed up with it. Everyday its something new.

And to top if off me and Zach are fighting once again. We never used to fight. I simply want to know what the hell is going on with us and he is being all cryptic and whatnot. I told him Saturday night that I’m gonna stop beating him over the head with how I feel and that if he wanted to talk to me he better call. I mean it was a little more intense than that but I don’t feel like hashing out all the details. So he calls me yesterday and the 3 minute conversation was so stale I damn near broke a tooth. He asked about my day and how I was feeling. And to be honest I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him. I guess he heard it in my voice and said he was gonna let me finish watchin The Family Guy and if I wanted to call him back I should.

So I did call him back b4 I went to sleep, but do you think he answered.? No! and he is 3 hours behind me so I know he wasn’t sleep. Idk, the whole situation just frustrates me. I’m just in a bad mood today, and I don’t want to be.

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If I lived in NY there is no way I’d still be free to roam the streets. I’d be in prison serving a long ass sentence for assault. I can’t stand people and that many people in that small of a space would make me crazy.

March 9, 2009

That is rude. I probably would’ve cussed that guy out. I can’t stand rude people. Hope your day gets better.

March 9, 2009

I’d have given Metro-Loser a piece of my mind. But I have a talent for making people cry, so… Sorry to hear about the boy troubles. I know exactly how you feel. And I have nothing constructive to say to make you feel better. Oh wait, I do. Eat chocolate/ice cream/something with nutella and watch a Gerard Butler/Clive Owen movie. 😀

March 9, 2009

thanks for ur note!!

March 10, 2009

I’m from Los Angeles, and people are the SAME WAY. When I moved to the South it FREAKED me out how nice people were. But I LOVE IT NOW. I’m going to have a hard time dealing with folks when I go back to LA.