Call me nooow

I went to see a psychic yesterday. A friend from work wanted me to go so I went. The day was nice and the sun was shining so i said fuck it lets roll. 444 Broome Street and there was the woman. I was comfortable as soon as I stepped in the door. SHe had a good vibe, I liked her instantly. She explained the prices and I said read my palm. i opened my palm and she started.

She said that she could see that i have always been a good person. good friend and very loyal which people have taken for granted. And taken advantage of. I agreed. She said that I have a long and healthy life ahead of me. i looked shocked. She said no need to stress over your health (because I always do) you will be healthy. I smiled. She said she could tell that I was the kind of person who didn’t involve myself with a lot of men. That I was very particular. but she did notice two men very connected to me in my life. One who lived far far away and one who is closer and very near to me. The guy that is close she stated the first letter in his name., but the second guy she couldn’t find his name. She did say that she didn’t think he was my soul mate but that he is a good guy. That was nice to hear because I’ve always believed in soulmates but I don’t think you necessarily end up with them. What did shock me is when she told me not to give up on the guy closer to me. She said I know its been a long time (Lord knows it has) but that there was something there. I asked her is she was serious cause I was finally trying to get over him. But she assured me something was there.

She said you wanted to be an actress (yes) but you lack confidence. I said yes. She told me to gain confidence cause I could be good at it. She spoke more about my job and how my calling really is to help ppl…possibly children. Then she shocked me and said that she sees 4 kids in my future. Its shocking cause I only want two. and its shocking cause Zach (the guy who is far away) wants 4 kids. who knows. She also said she sees me married in the next 3 years. Could be months from now or a year from now but defiantly in 3 years. It made me happy to hear that.

She also warned me to beware of a guy with a T in his name. He has a girlfriend and will try to deceive me. She told me to watch out for some friends who are jealous and who will try to bring me down. She advised me to be more private with my personal affairs.

She said she knows 2008 was rough for me but 2009 would be a good year. She said look for August to bring you great surprises. It will be your month.


Overall it was a fun experience. She knew things about me. I believed in her but i wont seriously base my life off what she says. It was just interesting and a good experience. It was fun.

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February 26, 2009
February 26, 2009

That relates to me sooo muich I think I am going to look into going and seeing one 🙂

February 26, 2009

Re: I am starting to see that this is a very unhealthy relationship….fo the past few days i have cried because i am tired of being un happy. me and him just have so much history and i love his girls….

February 26, 2009

Thank you so much. I am starting to get a new outlook….THANKS!!! Jen