
I’ve been away from OD. I have no good reason for it either.

This weekend has been fun. Friday after work me and the girls went to City Crab in Union Square for happy hour. It was kool. we laughed about stupid stuff and ate seafood. While I was there I text’d Andre cause we were supposed to go out that night. He said he was still down but hours later he never let me know what was up. I called him twice b4 i hopped the train to Brooklyn and he didnt answer. When I got home i texted him and asked him what was up and he said he was going into the city for a party. i didnt even get mad I was just like uuuuh ok.

but then i got mad and told him i was mad that he was standing me up. that asshole didnt respond. i got a text from him Sat morning talkin bout he has a show coming up this Thursday can I come. I said no and that I was mad at him. He called twice and i didnt answer. Then he text’d that he need me cause im like his only friend and that he didnt stand me up and im being a jerk and a fucking pot hole (what does that even mean)? and all this other crap which just pissed me off.

I simply told him that he was the one who stood me up and if i am his oly friend he should treat me better and apologize. So finally he apologized today and has been calling and calling and calling. But whatev i dont have time for all the bullshit. men suck, im tired of them.

Took baby Blake to Central Park Zoo and we had brunch at Kaylyn’s husbands restaurant. Then I met up with my boo Gabe and we chilled and went shopping and walkin around. It was kool. the weather was perfect.

I am going to VA next weekend and the weekend after that is MIami.

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May 10, 2009

Now I feel like going to the zoo…

May 12, 2009

I think Im going to call someone a Pot Hole tommorrow. Just for the hell of it.