No Bad Mojo For A Child Of The Light
Hey all you light body’s in human form, and you know who you are, my name is Sandra or San for short and I’m from that shit hole called Facebook – After 20 years of meeting some truly beautiful light body souls, I’ve said my farewells and send my I love you’s, and then dropped FB like a steamy turd, for being the treasonous dark energy police that they are. Too much of a dark thing is bad for one’s inner beauty, at least for me. But hey, fresh starts are a beautiful thing when you finally figure out that you’ve had just about enough bad mojo as you’re gonna take…so, drop by and give me a shout out, would love to hear from you. And should you drop by and see someone from the dark energy police, policing my light – don’t let it scare you, I’ll deal with them. Just know that I think you are the most beautiful thing to happen to this planet and you are welcome with me.
Until then beautiful one’s, shine your light like it matters…because it does. If you don’t, then the world can’t see you and right now, the world needs all the help it can get. And should you shine and your light catch the eye of a dark energy police being who pisses all over your beautiful love and light, just stay calm and do some focused and purposeful intense Light Body mojo on them while they think they got you down…and wait for the sound of their balloon fizzling out.
Peace and Love my Light Body family.
Facebook and twitter are corrupt and gross.
@drama Amen to that. I totally deactivated them both. Amazon is next. Firefox of Mozilla was my browser, and they, too, are doing the censoring, so I got rid of them, too. OAN news has a posting showing the top 150 companies that put their name on an official list that wants Trump out of office, and many of the companies are partner companies that the regular jo wouldn’t recognize, but I ‘ll just bet one of them represents Walmart, Walmart is one of those companies that if it were a person, it would be called Hillary Clinton. No doubt that a full exposure is still in the works.
@lightweaver My browser is safari which I’m learning bad things about. 🙁
I use DuckDuckGo as my search engine.
Buckle your seatbelt, my friend. We might have some turbulence ahead.
@drama I can honestly say that though I am so not physically prepared, that I have never been more mentally and emotionally ready for anything more than I am this worldwide purge of the godless child stealing, baby raping, murdering, lying, malicious, currupt cave dwelling cowards. I just watched a truly awesome video you might like, on “Patriot Hour TV”, put up vua the Patriot Hour TV admin, called, damn, can’t remember…lol, I’ll post this comment, then go find the title of the video.
The name of the video off of Patrit Hour TV, posted by Patriot Hour TV Admin is, “It’s about to go down”. There was such a surge of emotion and relief that welled up out of me when I watched it that I bawled and laughed at the same time. I’m really so thankful for this person. Regardless of not actually knowing if what he says is true, my gut feeling is that yeah, he’s spot on. Anyway, check it out if you have time and inclination, I feel you would get some needed emotional and mental regeneration. And, you might pass it on, if you find it worthy.
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