LA Song

 Quote: "You haven’t lived until you’ve died in California." – Mort Sahl

I’ve been given an opportunity that rarely if ever comes up in real life. It’s sort of mind blowing how I keep walking into things like this. Just meeting the right people at the right times. I spent my summer interning in Brooklyn, worked as a production assistant on a documentary made at Bonnaroo, took a job driving a truck around Manhatten delivering equipment and worked on an indie project in upstate New York. These offers seemed to find me half of the time. As great as all of the work was, my favorite parts were the bonds I made with the different crews. The late nights and long talks that always seemed to take place after the clink of a beer. I was connecting with people I’d never expected to.

A group of young twenty somethings were working on an independent TV pilot back in June and July. I mostly drove around the actors, picked up food and did a lot of running. I bonded with the group though, who were all recent graduates. They told me their plans, where they wanted to be in 5 years and how they planned to get there. I worked hard to tell them my dreams too, though I still tend to hold them close to my chest. Time passed and although we’ve kept in touch, I’d become more concerned with my own comings and goings.

It’s my last semester of college. I’m been drinking with my roommates on Monday nights just because we can. Leaves fall and I find myself trying to take in as much Autumn as I possibly can. I’ll never have another fall semester and I want to do it right. I’m dating a girl who I like, have friends to hang out with and school work that doesn’t bore me. I was almost sad to find out I’d be moving on after December.

Then, I received a message. Vin and a few others from the upstate New York film crew are moving to Los Angeles come January to look for work. They need another roommate. The want it to be me.

See, California was one of the few dreams I had been comfortable sharing. "I’ve always wanted to move out there for a bit," I’d said. "But its always like, who would I go with, you know?"

"Come with us," Vin had said, as if we’d been talking about a trip to Target.

I’d almost forgotten about that conversation, it all seemed so unrealistic at the time. Honestly, it might even be unrealistic now. But how often does a person get asked to uproot their entire life to move cross country and chase a dream? 

I am unable to focus on anything but the Golden State and the adventure it could bring. I’m scared to leave my life behind but am scared of staying put. I remember my first 2 years of college, when I was living at home and attending Community College. I felt like I was in a rut, like I’d needed a change. I waited until I felt desperate, until breaking free and living away at school was not just an option but a necessity. I don’t want to go back to living with my parents, wishing I was doing more and waiting until I have absolutely no choice but to make a change. I want to go on the adventure now.

I’m not naive. I know my life won’t suddenly become an episode of Entourage. I’ll struggle and feel alone but I’ll be struggling and alone while standing next to a palm tree. The pacific ocean will be just around the corner, the 101 a part of my daily routine. I could fail, be that guy who tried but couldn’t cut it. But I’ll always be able to say, "Well, when I was living in LA…"

I only have days to decide. They leave January 4th and need a committed roommate stat. My friends and family mostly stare in disbelief at first but then nod because they know. They know how badly I need to do this.

I think I need to say yes.

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October 5, 2011

Do it! You are right when you say opportunities like this only come but once in a lifetime and I think you will regret it the rest of your entire life if you don’t.

October 5, 2011

California is all that is seems to be to the EC. I know because I live here, well not down in LA but in the Bay Area. And you are going to love it. =] Promise mate. And do it, do it! Its such a lovely opportunity, to move and already have the living sitch figured all out.

October 5, 2011

Go! You’ll regret it if you don’t. As someone who did uproot their entire life and move to a different country, I can tell you it will be hard at first. There were days I cried in my room because I was so home sick. Then it gets easier and it is more than worth it. Even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll never have to wonder what if. Wondering what could have been is worse than any potential failure.

October 5, 2011

go go go go