Knowing that I shouldn’t stop her happiness

In this world things are really beyond our control. Sometimes, the person we learn to love and love so much, are met so late. The person that we wish to hold, we cannot hold. As we might just stop her from finding her happiness.

A part of me is selfish and wishes to hold her forever but I know that is not love. Love is making sure they are happy.

I spoke like I didn’t mind, wishing her all the best. That she could meet someone that can give her what she deserves. It hurts just to only say those words.

In my mind, I felt that she is already having feelings for others and I just acted it was fine.

I wish life was simpler, less complicated, where we could just be with who we want. But life ain’t just so simple.

I wish that one day she can find that guy, I told her that I will be there for her till the day she didn’t need me. My to be honest, I just that God could just end my life with a lightning bolt. So that I would just not live with the heart pain.

Of course to her, this are just words and she won’t even see this words I have shared.  But I really do love her. And circumstances in life doesn’t allow us to come together.

I wish that I could control time and just wait till you could come into my life during the right time

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