“…embodiment of masculinity in their erections.”

 Oh goodness what a week.

I ended up spending St. Patrick’s Day with Meghan and Heather of all people. Heather was actually bearable. We went to a bar to the south of town and it wasn’t crowded at all. In fact, we were able to sit down, have some beer, play Yahtzee, and have OK conversation. 

I aced the two midterms I took last Thursday, but I was really congested and miserable. 

I found out that my parents are flying out to Georgia on Easter to spend a week driving around the South and meeting Mollie’s boyfriend. Thomas is moving into Mollie’s apartment by the end of the month. I hope things go well for them. =) I like Thomas. 

The Andy Fastow talk was weird. I felt really bad for him. He’s spent all his time in jail telling himself one version of his story that he now completely believes. He said what he did was illegal, but he was just following the rules. The finance professor (who I have tremendous respect for because he’s intelligent and knows HOW to teach) was the first person allowed to ask Fastow a question. He asked him who made the rules and got Fastow to admit that he and his coworkers made the rules. Fastow was really confused by his question and it was pretty awkward…but also awesome. There ought to have been a screening process of some kind for all those questions because some people asked really, really dumb things ("what’s your view on mankind?"). Apparently it was the biggest event in CU history (other than a football game, obvs). The b-school is holding a debriefing sometime after Spring Break. I probably won’t go. I avoid events like that just in case not a lot of people show up. I’m not a huge fan of most business students.

Today was fun. =) I went hiking with Tamara on a trail over by her house. We didn’t intend to go so far, but we hiked basically to the top of Mt. Sanitas…which isn’t very high. I took Isabell, though! This was the first time I’ve taken her on a hike since I adopted her (a year and a half ago), so I wasn’t sure how she would handle it. She absolutely loved it!! It was so adorable! Near the top there were only big dogs, but my tiny little jack russell held her own. She’s so good at climbing rocks…and her tail was curled in happiness the entire two hours it took us to go up and down. I’m such a proud mother! <3 She’s super exhausted now, though. I wish I had taken pictures from today, but I forgot my cell phone in the car, so I didn’t have a camera. The views of Boulder were pretty awesome, though. I want to go on another hike this week with my parents. Maybe Horsetooth? 

I wrote an essay on erectile dysfunction. That’s how seriously I take my contemporary theory class. Jesus. I felt like apologizing to the professor for the sheer ridiculousness of that paper. Like, now that I’ve turned it in, I can’t believe I did that. Whatever penises are funny. 

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March 24, 2012

In general, unless a person is a total sociopath they create an alternate version of reality in their head that gives them some rationale for why what they did is acceptable (she dressed that way because she WANTED to be raped, for example). A dysfunctional corporate culture is strikingly similar to a rowdy frathouse, it’s a group of people who think alike and have similar goals who enable each other to do evil things.

March 24, 2012

It’s scary how people can twist things around to justify them. That’s why I’m always leery about people who have that ‘I don’t care what others think’ attitude, because to a certain degree I think people should at least listen to the input of others when it comes to moral issues. I bet there is sooo much nice scenery around there!