What are you PROUD of?

It is hard sometimes to really remember things like this. Life is a journey of decisions, paths, consequences, rewards, and overall experiences.
Weight loss and the journey one goes through for it, is more then just the numbers on the scale. Maybe for some that is really all it is, since for them its only about toning or losing those “few” pounds. For me its more. I have always been a bigger girl. Even when I was Skinny I was still bigger than the other girls. I was “thick”. Moving through my life I have often “made excuses” for things, as many of us do. But it is just too easy to lie to the world about habits, weight, reasons, etc. To “Fit the Mold” of how people view me.
At my heaviest recorded weight I was 276. When someone meets me first impression is everything. Most people will review what they see in front of them color of skin, weight, appearance, etc. Its just natural to see someone as they present themselves. Meeting a 276 pound person your initial reaction may be “this person is bigger than me/ This is a fat person / overweight person” etc. Honestly these are not lies, call it what you want but someone overweight is in fact overweight. Its not being hurtful its stating facts. So your initial reaction is what you see, but what If I said “Hi my name is Kristin, I currently weight 276, but that was 30 lbs less then I did 3 months ago” Your new impression is ‘ Ok this person has drive and wiliness to change’ people will see you differently.
I used to lie to myself and think things like “I only weigh 275, that is better than 300” But before that it was “I only weight 240 that is better than 275” Its like I was ok with tricking my mind that my weight was “better than…..” but instead I needed to see that I can be happy no matter what, but wouldn’t I be happier if I just tried to change some easy things (drink less, drink more water, exercise) to just be happier not “weigh less”.
This is my accountability to myself. Weight loss is key to feeling healthier and I know it, but my journey is NOT all about the scale. Over the past month I have made it about the scale, I have focused , selectively about how to make the scale not go back UP but stay where it is. I have proven that I know how to maintain weight, if I can do it at this weight for over a month I KNOW I can do it over all when I hit my goal.
I am PROUD that I chose to do something to be healthier, I am PROUD that I am being accountable still even if my habits are not great, I am PROUD that I don’t lie to myself anymore, I am PROUD that I made a choice for a protein shake instead of a cookie.
What are you PROUD of today?
This is so great! Good for you. You should be proud of yourself
I am proud that I am seeking ways to help me get over my anxiety.
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