The new year begins
First off.. to all my faves. I don’t have OD Plus anymore.. (for right now) .. so I may leave multiple comments if I am typing long ones.. Just to let you know ! I loved the comment length with ODPlus lol.
Second. I need a whole new look for my page. I am going to ask Kels to help me out a bit since she has been on OD for ever and a day! lol. Cause i am no longer with paul. He is still the love of my life at this point but not my boyfriend. He hurt me and i just need to move on and deal.. i am trying as best as i can!
Third… So far the new year is not SO bad… its getting there. I already had enough drama and thought for the mind in the past like 6 days that i just want to shake it off. I had girls night tonight with Kelly, krystal, Tonya, Tasha, and Jess. It was so much fun, Talking and Talking.. was the thing to do.. Shared talking about books and movies, boys and men, music and tatoos, and even… MILK SHAKES! YUM! I think i like the McD’s milkshakes better though… BK’s are alright..but the guy was TOTALY flirting with us! lol!
I just rented Devil Wears Prada and SCOOP… total chick flicks.. I am going ot watch them.. and eventiually Paul will be home to tell me about his night! i am sure of it.. He went and played WOW cards tonight with Jeremy. Whoever wins first will be offered a free invite to some tourtament that happens later this month!
Good luck to all!
i promise i plan to write up a 2006 summary for those faves that are NEW and those that are old.. cause non the less…. its just fun to read !
: )
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We’ll getcha a cute new look. Girls night was so much fun!! And Jeremy won first place!!!!!
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RYN: In our last meeting with Tim we were told that 2 big lockers would go to each shift.
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Ack! Sorry about losing OD+, been there… thankfully some wonderful fave gave me a subscription cuz I couldn’t afford the $12 at the time. You’ll get it soon… good luck on a new look, I need one myself but suck at HTML.
Keep us posted on Paul and what all is happening, okay? ((((hugs))))
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RYN: Hmm…
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RYN: Ahh. I figured that’s where it was. To be honest, ever since you told me he believed Amanda about all that crap, I’m very uncomfortable around him. The idea that he’s going to believe Amanda’s bullcrap without even asking my side of the story… Or just in general believing that I’ve changed Jer really hurt me. I know he’ll never ask my side. And I’m okay with that. He’s going to believe whathe wants, even if he does ask for my side. Does that make any sense? Eh. He’ll be out of your life soon enough and I’m sure he’ll slowly slip out of Jeremy’s as well since he’ll be back on the east side, with no license, no car and a girl that I doubt we’ll get along with.
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