T.I.M.E. Stories
It has seemed that the past few Monday’s Dan & I have had Paul & Adam over for dinner/games. This past Monday we gathered together to play T.I.M.E Stories: The Marcy Case – which we failed at miserably.
T.I.M.E Stories is a game where you are from the future. You & your team are sent back in time to a specific point where you enter into “vessels” the characters you play during that scenario. You have so much time to go through the locations and succeed/fail the mission. Each movement (to new locations on the map, within area’s of a location) and skill checks require you to spend time units (TU). So this game is about making smart decisions and doing what needs to be done to complete the mission.
In my experience, its guaranteed that you will make multiple run through of a scenario, becoming more “efficient” with your decisions. Referring to your notes so you know what is the items/things you need to do vs what can be ignored.
The first scenario we played, the base game, was an Asylum one with occult undertones. It was a fun one, but a bit long.
The second one we did , the Marcy Case, was set in 1992 and was a zombie apocalypse theme. The Story was very compelling and our group felt this was for sure the better of the two scenario’s but we failed SO much, we finally gave up. We plan to give this one a rest for a month or two and revisit fresh – to see if we can succeed. The story & notes are still too fresh in our minds to play again.
I quite enjoy the co-op but individuality with the game. You decided what part of the location you want to goto (A-H) and each section has a card that can have something (information, fighting, items, skill checks, etc). But you have to work together to get the mission done. Sometimes it doesn’t mean you get to see all the cards, it means get in and get out.
I can’t wait to play a new scenario, there are a bunch out there.
Oh! I’ve really wanted to try this game. Thanks for the recap
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