Only 1 year, lets not allow that again
Here we go again, I was so stoked OD was back & intended on blogging again, but life got SUPER distracting last year and I actually forgot about this, until I got my renewal charge! Nothing like money spent to motivate you to do something again! So I am back and intend to blog more. Committed this time!
Going to catch up the past year by monthly updates.
April 2018:
This was an exciting month I did lots of fun things.
– Women’s Fest: Got to spend time with several lovely women, we went to dinner a Hyde Park, played several party games, talked, laughed, drank wine. This was our third year doing this with my friend Maggie, as she is the host. It started from Paul (her husband) having Man Camp around the same time.
– CLAM CON: in 2016 my friend Billie & I decided we wanted to see our out of town friends that we usually see at boardgaming conventions more often, we invited them up for an impromptu gaminging weekend hosted at my place. Grand total of attendee’s was 16. Three full days of gaming over Earth Day Weekend. At the end of the weekend, we decided to make it an annual thing, and CLAM CON was born. (another post will follow about the birth of the name Clam Con). Each year that pass the list grows of people attending. April 2018 resulted in a total of 48 people attending Clam Con. It was so much fun! Board games, Werewolf, drinking, eating, conversations, laughs and overall a great time.
–Adopting Gordita: Well the boy & I decided we wanted another kitty to join our family. So we adopted a 5 1/2 month old kitten called gordita. She is a special cat this one, she LOVES to just plop on the ground and expose her belly for rubs, she enjoys water & while she doesn’t enjoy being held she will cuddle when she deems it time. We have decided to keep her name, calling her “Dita Girl” <3
May 2018:
Nothing too major to report here. Went home to Cleveland for a Christening for extended family, got to see a few movie premieres, and sadly my friend Kristi ended up having a going away party as she moved to Michigan.
June 2018:
This month is ALWAYS busy for me as I attend Origins Game Fair. Its a board gaming convention, local to Columbus, that I have attended since 2010. Though the past few years I have been more involved with running events at the show rather than leisurely attending. I work on a non-profit board that runs the Board Room at Origins and another local gaming convention called Buckeye Game Fest. So at origins I am responsible, partly, for the Board Room. I am also one of the leaders for Rogue Judges, a board gaming event group that runs events at Origins & Gencon, we teach games to people. Origins was HECTIC as i had way over did my schedule. But I survived it and had a blast.
July 2018
Nothing too drastic this month. We decided on moving out of our place & into a new space, a town home and its awesome.
August 2018
This month was full of events.
–GENCON: This is another board gaming convention that I got to attend, been doing so since 2013. This past years we lots of fun, I got to see there is more to gencon then just werewolf & running games. I got to experience a nice dinner with new friends & got to get to know one of the GMs in my group a bit better. Friendships are awesome.
–Girls Trip To Michigan: Billie, Tasheena & I decided to go visit Kristi for the weekend. It was SUCH a great time. We got to chat, play a few games, do WAY to much site seeing in one single day. I honestly wished we could of had a few more days there.
–Birthday Dinner: My gift this year was going on the girls trip , while Dan packed our place up for our move the following weekend. Then coming home Sunday, He surprised me with a dinner reservation for us and our friends Paul & Adam at Brio. Such a great and wonderful weekend <3
September 2018:
This was a jam pack month as well. We moved into our new Town home, and WE LOVE IT! Its so great, even the cats enjoy it so much too! We moved the first weekend of September. Our friends were totally awesome and helped us move in exchange for lots of food & drinks .
-Buckeye Game Fest – As I mentioned before I am on a board that runs this convention, and this year we moved downtown, so it was exciting & scary. But overall a lot of work went into this convention & our team did a great job. I am even MORE stoked for this years!
–OSU Game – I got to experience my first, and possibly last, OSU game. It was a good home game to visit, since the 100 anniversary of the marching band occurred during half time with alumni.
–Lantern Festival: Got to hang with my cousins & Sam & Tasheena. We decorated our lanterns, and got to set them a sail on the river. It was slightly disappointing as they all cluttered on the side in a single row. Also the color options for markers was limited.
October 2018 – December 2018
Over these several months I mostly spent time working on getting enrolled in school at OSU, free for employees, got my FMLA submitted for work, finished getting settled into our new place, spent time with family over Thanksgiving & Christmas break. Some key notes:
–Friends-giving: We hosted our first friendsgiving and had our closest people come over. They got to eat, experience our new place & we made an announcement that Dan will be taking a job with his father’s company in Cleveland, which means ultimately both of us would be moving to Cleveland area. He will transition up there , in a house, probably by Sept 2019. I will be staying in Columbus until I finish my schooling. So probably 2-3 years. We can visit each other on weekends as its only 2 hrs away, and some weekdays he can even stay here since the drive to Mansfield location is 1 hr no matter if he is in Columbus or Cleveland.
–Ravenwood: Dan, Marcin, Holy, Jared, and I all went to the ravenwood castle for a Christmas Themed weekend of fun. We played some games, drank, participated in the holiday events. It was a good time with good friends.
–New Years Eve Party: totally last minuted I realized I had a Catering Coupon for Chipotle that was going to expire on 12/31/18. So lets through a party! Good times were had.
January 2019-Today
Dan started his job Jan 14th and since then he has been doing good. This is the first week, this week, that he is actually going to be gone for the full week. This is how it will feel moving forward, as it picks up more. We are strong and will make it through this. We have a game plan of next steps, and honestly I have been with Dan for 7 years now, going on 8 and I think we are totally going to be fine.
I started school taking some gen-ed requirements since I enrolled as undecided. Since than I have decided to go communications, as that will be the most applicable degree. I have an appointment with an Advisor tomorrow to help map out a degree plan.
For now, the next few months will entail, school, figuring out where to move, and taking steps to being healthy again.
Oooooooh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I just added you as a friend and you’re an osu fan! I’m a Michigan fan! lol
but I like your diary, so I’ll stick around. Don’t tell my dad.
@kslangston07 So this may be blasphemous, but I am less of an OSU “fan” and more of an OSU “Participant” since I work at OSU.
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