NoJoMo 3 – Now and Then

 <– NoJoMo 2 that way (i posted it today cause my IE was screwing up yesterday)

Working at BBV last night wasn’t that bad, since It was just project work. Something kind of relaxing about just doing something with out having to pay attention to customer service. After work Thao and I just vegged out for a few hours.  

Tonight I plan to head home, get some prestreets, and clean. Thao is going out of town this weekend, and I want to have the weekend to enjoy, rather then worry about cleaning or anything.
My Weekend Plans:
Friday –  CABS (yay)
Saturday – Gaming at Mikes around 3p till about 730; Maybe dress up in my little red riding hood costume and then goto Jamie’s Party… but not sure
Sunday – 9-10a Store meeting at bbv, and then 5-1030 work bbv.

I am really looking forward to Friday and Saturday more then anything. I may get to see Stephen again this weekend (its my hope anyways )

Thank you to those who have taken the time to read my entry the past few days… I have been battling with a lot of emotions and trying my hardest to get over it/cover it.. w.e.  But thanks!


Write a letter to yourself for 10 years in the past, write about what you’ve learned and what you may or may not do differently. 


A Lot of things are going on with you right now. You have some great roomies, and even though you and Ron had such a bad falling out, honestly in the end things will be better then ever.  Sure you hurt him, but both of you know you did what was right to do.  Stop worrying if you will ever be friends with him again, cause you so will.  Roger is such a douche.. I really wish I could tell you that you two make it, but he is going to hurt you really bad…on one of your worst christmas’s ever. You may feel like your family is against you and that he is too, but don’t let him drag you down. Both Louie and Wendy are going to pull you out. Your beautiful niece will make you smile, and in the end you are much better off with out him.
This is the motivation you needed, and its helping. You will pull through and start to meet some great people, including your best friend. Also, SAVE YOUR MONEY!  All those loan checks, you need to put them in a savings account.. its not extra money you just have. You will pay it back down the road, and its better to start now.. then you may avoid the credit hassle in the future.
I wish I can tell you not to fall in love with a guy name Paul.. I wish I could say things will work out, but in the end I can’t. You need to follow your heart and you will get hurt, but with out that, you will be naive to thinking that everyone has your best interests at heart, but really you need to.  Live life more, make more female friends. Sure having guy friends is awesome, but sometimes you need to go out with just the girls. This may also help improve your self confidence, by getting to know fab girls that want to help you in life, rather then put you down.  You are an amazing person, don’t let a few life hiccups stop you.
Be prepared.. your going to lose Louie.. its going to be so gut wrenching and horrible. You will be strong and fight through all the drama, and do something I didn’t think you could do, and clean up Louie’s mess.  This moment will define for you what is good in life. Embrace that fact, know that family is important and so are the friends that care.

Love your future self.

 -If you could cast yourself as any character in a film, who would you portray and why?

So I always felt that I was that quiet girl that had lots going for her, but always hid under the flaws, rather then living life despite the flaws. While various chick flicks can come to mind, I would say one person I used to always wish I could be was Sidney from Scream.  (Neve Campbell).  She was strong and brave when she needed to be, and also able to express herself.



My good Friend is back at it!! If you liked his previous story (I know I did!) El Ray Romero… then check out his Dead Man Walking!

To read his newest ongoing Zombie Story Dead Man Walking

To read his old Zombie Diary El Ray Romero told in first person style


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random noter: I like that whole idea of writing to your past self. I may take that. Keep writing!! -Kristin