NoJoMo 17 & 18 – I’m calling this laziness
Challenge # 17 – What are some things you collect:
When I was younger I used to collect various things. Nothing of real significance. However after the younger years of stickers, and baseball cards, and Barbie’s… I moved on to bigger and way better things. I will demonstrate as such with bullets:
- Movie Ticket Stubs – I started to collect these for movies I went to with out my parents, and it turned into this.. obsession. Every movie I go to, I keep a stub. My plan is to make a movie scrap book, of when I went to them, what I liked/hated about them, who went and so much more!
- Scrap booking Stickers – So I collect them to use them, but none the less, when I go to a store I tend to pick up one that I "may not have". I am thanking Kels for this one since she started it
- Movies – I love movies, and whether going to one, or just renting it, I enjoy the whole process of the movie concept. Gathering with friends, or by yourself, some snacks, or just a drink, and enjoying 2 hours of your life (or so one hopes). But I buy movies, tv shows, anime, and so on… I made a rule back in 2006 (as I was buying all kinds of movies and never watching) that I can only buy a movie, or show, if I was going to be able to watch it at least 3 times in a year. So I slowed down ALOT! My TV Show Collection started slow, with the office, and its a monster now.
Challenge # 18 – About the pets you have had in your life
I have had a few pets in my life, and well once again, I will rely on word’s bullets to guide us through this one:
- BeBe – She was my first pet. We got her in 1987, I was just going to Kindergarten. I remember my dad bringing home this cute little rottwielier pup. She as a mix but I totally loved her. We named be BeBe .. cause we were 5 and 3.. no real reason. She lived in our family till 2002. Sadly my dad had to put her to sleep.
- Tigger – This was my 2nd pet. He was an all orange cat, that I believe was given to my through a friend. I remember this cat well as it was the first one I was allowed to have. My mom was highly allergic to the dandruff they put off so that was that. But Sadly Tigger didn’t last long, maybe a year. I was heart broken when he died. He apparently, based on symptoms and someone telling me, some sort of disease that, since I was poor family and couldn’t afford a vet at the time, he died from. I was so so sad…My dad buried him in the backyard of our old house.
- Mr. Poof – This would be my first Betta. He was just awesome. Mr. Poof lived with me for almost 2 years. I moved into my new place and he committed fishy suicide, and jumped out of his smaller bowl, while I was cleaning his tank.
- Fluffy – My most recent pet, who died from Dropsy. Its an incurable disease betas can get. He lived 1 year.
OOOhhh you like bettas too! Sweet.:D
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Poof was seriously the most awesome beta ever!
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We have the Bebe connection! We named her BeBe because it was supposed to be temporary until we found a better name. She had that name for 11 years. I always knew we had stuff in common and this entry is evidence to that! Not the scrapbook stickers though…
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When I was younger, I was all about Troll dolls, those creepy things with the pointy hair & the jeweled belly buttons? I had this whole tribe of them that lived in a corner of my room.
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