HELLO 2012!

 Oh.. My.. Gosh.

This year is off to an AMAZING and WONDERFUL start. Not only did something pretty major happen to me, it happened in a whirlwind kind of way. Its amazing how something you once felt but never acted upon.. could come back and just be so… right.
I promise that I will elaborate on this, but for now I am holding back, as I don’t want to jinx anything. But know this… I truly have a reason to smile each and every morning this far, and it seems that its not going to stop /glee & /Whoosh!

In non sappy news… I have been bringing in the new year with good people in my life and weeding out the ones that aren’t so good.  For the absolute first time in… YEARS.. I have gone DAYS with out even thinking of Paul. I have been more motivated in the past week then I have in the past year.  I am not stressed about who is liking what I am doing or how I am doing it.  This is my year to love my life. Every year I say something on those lines.  So I made a pact to myself.  This year is the year that I actually hold myself accountable for the things I want. No more of this "I will do it" and don’t.  I am a loyal and committed person. When I make a commitment to others, I damn well do my best to hold up to it.  Why can’t i put that effort to myself and my wants and needs.

I recently found out that my roomie has been venting to a coworker about some things that bother her about living with me, yet her and I have never had talks about it. She has never voiced half her concern to me about it. But the said co-worker is more my friend then roomies and she felt super conflicted. She couldn’t take hearing it anymore… cause she is like "well how do I react".  Personally I already knew that roomie had some issues with things, cause I got an email she meant to send to another friend and somehow copied me on it. Everyone has a right to handle their stresses the way they want. I understand that I am not easy to live with, but we have always had that policy that we can talk about it, but she hasn’t.  She is very OCD with her cleaning habits, and while I clean and I am not a dirty person, I don’t have the same habits/standards as her, so she ends up redoing half the things I try to clean. Its to the point where if you don’t like how I do it, and you don’t think "teaching" me is going to make a difference, then I don’t know what I can do. I can’t seemingly be "taught" the ways she likes, (in her eyes maybe she feels that), and she is a control freak about things, and before we moved into this apartment we never had issues.  It seems this apartment is bad mojo for us.  Maybe its a sign that we will be parting ways soon, and honestly that is why i bought the new furniture and items, cause I want to be able to have my own place sooner or later. Idk.. Its more to think about then I care to at the moment.

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January 5, 2012

I will not comment on the roomie situation. Congrats on whatever it is that makes you smile. Do you still volunteer at Shadowbox? Do you ever hang at…The.World.Of.Beer?!?

::squee:: about the new and exciting news! Boo that Thao hasn’t talked to you about whatever is going on. 🙁

I went through the same crap with my old roomie. I left one light on when I left so I could see at night (dark old house) and he was a light nazi. He would leave notes and **** if I did not do something right. After confronting him it all was worked out, but it got ugly for a while due to lack of communication. Is there any tactful way of saying something?

Pssh, everything bad can get tossed merrily aside in favor of all the good & glee you’ve got flowing in! I can’t wait to hear about it!