30 People Survey *Stole from fave*
**TIP don’t do family members if you can avoid it**
Think of 30 people and answer the questions accordingly.
2. Mike C.
3. Thao
4. Dan
5. Kendall
7. Noelle
8. Kelly
9. Jeremy
10. Joshua S.
14.Melissa O.
15.Stephen W.
16.Kevin C.
20.Sarah D.
21.Laura T.
25.Dan H.
26.Scott W.
28. Matt J.
29. Andy B.
30. Marissa
• How did you meet 10? Right here on OD. I never met him IRL, but I can tell you he is a very very dear friend. One day we will meet!
• What would you do if you had never met 6? It would be sad, since she is a twin cousin of mine. I <3 that girl.
• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated? Laugh my Arse off since that would NEVER happen. lol
• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be? I’d have to say neither. Both are gals, and since this is neither Kentucky nor New York.. I am good.
• Did you ever like 9? Sure. He is a funny guy. But I never *liked liked* him.
• Have you ever seen 4 cry? no
• Would 4 and 17 make a good couple? Heck No.
• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple? You know to a point, maybe.. but one is way to introverted for the other.
• Describe 8: Kelly is an amazing girl who grew into an amazing women. I remember when I first met her and how cute her and Jer were. Now its hard to not want to look up to someone like her <3 her!
• Do you like 12? Yea he is my friend.
• Tell me something about 17: My Mom is a caring person that gives way more then she has to give and often doesn’t think of her self.
• What’s 7’s favorite color? I am going with gray.
• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you? She best like me!! lol. But really, I think I would be a bit put off, I mean she is my best friend and I am pretty sure she is straight.
• When was the last time you talked to number 15?: Texted just the other day
• How do you think 19 feels about you? I think he is proud of me and looking over me.
• What language does 13 speak? English
• Who is 2 going out with? He is married to Andrea
• What grade is 16 in? Long since graduated highschool and college.
• What is 5’s favorite music?: All Over. She loves all kinds of music.
• Would you ever date 4?: No
• Is 11 single?: Nope, he is engaged
• What is 10’s last name? I know it, but you can’t
• Would you ever want to be in a relationship with 5?: This would be my cousin.. so Im gonna pass.
• Where does 18 live?: Cleveland OH
• What do you think about 20?: We have been long time friends, since she was 5 years old. (holy cow)
• What is the best thing about 30? She’s my niece and so beautiful and amazing.
• What would you like to tell 14 right now?: I will be at your place at 6 for chick flick and pizza! heck ya/
• How did you meet 9? I met him at Calltech.
• What is the best and worst thing about 5?: She is beautiful and smart… but sometimes doesn’t have enough self confidence.
• Are you going to know 3 forever? I hope. She is a dear friend
• How long have you known 26? a couple years
• Who is 24? My friend
• Are you or did you ever date 5?once again no.. she is my cousin
• Do you have a crush on 27? yes
• Would you kiss 25? Yes
• Have you hugged/kissed 22? hugged yes/kissed no
• Would you like to hug/kiss 21? Hug sure.. kiss no.
• Is 29 your gf? haha! no 1, he is a boy and 2 he is married
• What do you hate about 23? Hate is a strong word, lets go with dislike him not being able to really go for what he wants and telling the truth.
• What’s your relationship with 28? we are friends
Aww miss you!
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RYN: Psh, want to move into my place?!
No really… If you want to look at the possibility, everything goes through my realtor…. So I wouldn’t even think that we would run into issues that many people have where the friendship is tested. Of course, you’re a year away from that at least… Just let me know!
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RYN: I know, right? I miss that condo! It was totally a great place, minus the fact that the kitchen was small.
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Fact? I love so hard when people do these on Facebookthough “notes” have died out HARD, have you noticed that? Maybe I should make part of my 2012 goal to bring ’em back.
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