#28 – Garggle Bubble – Blah :-P
I can not believe this month just FLEW by like this.
tomorrow is my nieces birthday! She will be 15. Its odd. My brother Louie, Rest his sole, was 10 yrs old when I was born, and I was 10 when Marissa was born. 72-82-92 We are all 10 years apart. Just kinda funny.
So Josh has been over visiting the past couple days. They sit there and play halo 3 or whatever. I don’t know I have felt like shit so I just kidna phased it out. I am a bit better right now. I bet its cause of the day quill doses. But I dunno. I think 2 more days and I should be alot better. I hope anyways.
Ugh. Its only the begining of this work week, and i wished it was over already!!!!!!!!! sigh. I started playing a game i have had for a while (Since August) Agatha Christies – And then there were none.
Its a PC adventure game. Its fun so far. Im only on chapter 2 or 3.. one of the two. lol.I was sick when playing so its kinda fuzzy.
To go to show you the lack of concern my supervisor has for me (staying here or not) .. SINCE the meeting he has not even said “hi” to me. He looks at me.. and thats it. I can’t stand working under him anymore.. But i will deal adn just vent as needed. I think IF i can do a good turn around for my work to error ratio that I am going to email the manager about him and tell him I feel this way.
I am getting excited to go home and see my family. I really miss them all. I will get to be home from the 23rd until the 25th. That is going to be GREAT! I will leave work at 8a on the 23rd and drive straight in. Get there about 1030ish (giving i stop for starbucks.. which is planned) Then I will get in and it will be my cousins choice… last min shopping, or movies. or BOTH
24th will be our family christmas. Do the christmas eve party with everyone and then go to moms to open her gifts. I normally stay at my aunts house cause of the smoking my mom and uncle do. Its bad! lol
Well tomorrow is another pot luck for work. I REALLY don’t have the money to be getting tirmasu but i will try. I will get what i can afford. So ya.
Alright enough babbling. Im off . I need some water
your mom and uncle live together?? Where is your family from since you live in Columbus but will have to drive a few hours to get there??
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November really did fly by!! I like the snowflake look by the way.
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You left your address for me but I need your name!
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