#24 – Pretty blah day
Well this morning after i left work, I had to take back some movies to blockbuster, so I figured since I was heading there, why not stop at some stores! Only target and walmart.
I went straight to only 1 section in both stores. The electronics.
At Target I bought the following dvds:
One Tree Hill Season 2
Walk the line
I was really going to get Seinfeld Season 6 .. its normally 40$ but it was on sale for 15$, As I was really about to grab it, some girl snatched it from me!!!!! Can you believe people. Its not worth it to me… I could not believe her! lol.
But for the season 2 dvd set, and the three movies $ a 12 pack of pepsi. Only spent 35$ Not bad.
Then I swung by walmart. And I bought Austin Powers 1,2, & 3 for a total of 9$. They were 2.96 a piece!
At home we watched some recorded shows. The office is playing RERUNS that makes me sad. Stupid writers strike. What i DON’T get is some of the writers for that show ARE IN THE SHOW!!!!!! lol
Then I got really tired and just went to bed. I was SUPPOSED to get up at 8pm. To make dinner. DID NOT HAPPEN. I need to start doing that i only eat now at work. that is it.
My mom got some snow today , she is in cleveland well the outskirts, but still. LOL. soon it will hit columbus, and then people REALLY will suck at driving! BOY!
I can’t wait till my days off. Only 1 more 8 hour night. . . I am so blah at work anymore!
I am SO boring lately. Nothing really to report, minus the stupid work drama i had. So i am basically just blah.
I also changed my page. Not much but cute anyways!
WOw. I didn’t realize things were so cheap today. Maybe next year I’ll get up and do some shopping…
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we so didn’t get any snow here in TOLEDO!!! boooo
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RYN: Well I wouldn’t say that. We have a few years!
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RYN:I like it. BUt sometimes people assume cause we do that we will automatically do it with them. It doesn’t hurt our relationship. SOmetimes it helps. It spices things up. After doing something like that you always realize that you have something better at home.
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RYN: That’s what Krys told me to get him. So yea
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